Ibanez Parts, anyone?


Alo everyone! =)

Just like to ask if anyone knows vhere ta get parts for Ibanez Lo-Pro Edge. Got ze RG560 (old timer) and ze trem stud is chipped. Need ze stud replacement.

I´ve tried Davis and Swee Lee. Davis dun carry Ibanez and Swee Lee won´t be bringing in stocks till much later (speculated 2 mths, when they settle down vith the new shop space)

Or if anyone´s got spares, I´ll like to buy ´em from you.

Thanks in advance!
our ibanez 560 (hey man i own this ibanez too...) are equipped with the superseded Edge trem, i doubt if there are spares out there for it... exactly which part are you talking about that is damaged? i get spares from Davis to facelift my 560 trem all the time...
ah, yeah... this axe is pretty old and worn out. One of the trem stud (pivoting post) is chipped at the top, down to the pivoting point, so now I can´t turn the thingy to adjust action. How did it ever get broken, I have no idea...

I guess there´s no need to get an exact much for this particular model, the stud for the current LoPro Edge should be about identical, judging from the diagrams from Ibanez.
yup. if you think your 560 warrants a complete trem overhaul, get the Lo-pro Edge unit & retrofit it in your guitar.