Ibanez Gurus, I need help

Feel free to quote him this from the Trademark Act of Singapore law.

Importing or selling, etc., goods with falsely applied trade mark
49. Any person who —

(a) imports into Singapore for the purpose of trade or manufacture;

(b) sells or offers or exposes for sale;or

(c) has in his possession for the purpose of trade or manufacture,

any goods to which a registered trade mark is falsely applied shall, unless he proves that —

((i)) having taken all reasonable precautions against committing an offence under this section, he had, at the time of the commission of the alleged offence, no reason to suspect the genuineness of the mark and on demand made by or on behalf of the prosecution, he gave all the information in his power with respect to the persons from whom he obtained the goods; or

((ii)) he had acted innocently,

be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 for each goods or thing to which the trade mark is falsely applied (but not exceeding in the aggregate $100,000) or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both.
you should just give him a warning before reporting him to the authorities it usually works that way.. btw im curious how much did you pay for that ?
Yep of course, I will give him a a chance first. I traded it with a Marlique Excalibur upgraded(SV selling it for 999) + 80 bucks top up....Man know i feel really stupid
nothing specific, bro. just a general reminder. we sometimes can't help but get back (in any way we can) at people who played us for a fool. we just want them to have it *WHACK!* that kinda feeling.
Aiyah...just whack only lah. So nicey-pansy for what? Young punks like that will never learn, unless he is "educated" the hard way. If not, he will scam more people in future.
I might not be an Ibanez guru but I'm definitely an enthusiast! If it's a production model and not found in the catalog, it's not real. there can be limited models yes but AFAIK, only the Japanese can enjoy such benefits. Ibanezregister.com will be your best source of information when it comes to Ibanez guitars.
some of the production models indeed do not make it to the official catalogue eg: spring editions, summer NAMM releases, regional exclusives, etc. but they are still legitimate production models.
easiest way to find out whether it's real? remove the neck from the body and see whether the model number is stamped there. If it's naked then it's questionable.
Still, even if it IS a fake, who cares? As long as you feel it is worth your money. My brandless Strat feels and sounds better to me than to Fenders. And i paid a mere fraction of the price of a new MIM Fender. If you feel this is a worthy investment, because it plays and sounds so good, then, my advice is to keep it... But of course, talk with the guy on how to resolve this situation amicably.
By the way, it's definitely a fake. One look at the headstock says everything. The second thing is the serial. Who the heck would push a MIJ guitar to be an MII one? People would pay more for a MIJ piece.
Still, even if it IS a fake, who cares? As long as you feel it is worth your money. My brandless Strat feels and sounds better to me than to Fenders. And i paid a mere fraction of the price of a new MIM Fender. If you feel this is a worthy investment, because it plays and sounds so good, then, my advice is to keep it... But of course, talk with the guy on how to resolve this situation amicably.

You wouldn't care if you were tricked into buying a fake product that the seller claimed was the real thing? I fail to see how you can draw an analogy to your brandless Strat that you knowingly built.
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i think it's really not a matter of play and feel good so it's ok...
It's a matter of principle and ethics. The play good feel good part is just a consolation that a fast one was pulled on the buyer.

selling honest replica's for what it is might be fine to some but selling a replica passing off as an original is just plain wrong and against the law.

TS: You can practice your rights and bring this case to the police. keep your smses, emails or pm's as proof to the authorities that this seller pulled a scam on you.
Dodgethis: Please re-read the last sentence of my post. Thank you.
The link is in that neither are factory made guitars. but can sound as good, or even better, than their factory made counterparts. By the way, i didn't build it myself.
Why are you even bringing in how good non-factory guitars sound? No one is disputing that. No one has qualms about how great your Partscaster sounds. The issue of this thread is the authenticity of the guitar that the OP bought, about how it was sold as a real Ibanez guitar when it is a fake. There is no link at all. Period. Think of it as you selling your Strat as real Fender when it is not.
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Thanks for all the inputs guys.. Really appreciate it..Anyway the seller emailed me already. We are arranging a trade back after he's back in town. Hope everything goes well... :)
^^^Good to hear that. Hope this serves as a lesson yeah? Anything dodgy in the deal, just pull out. It saves you a lot of trouble.
Again, the discussion has been over for quite awhile already, why still argue over it :/. No point adding Milo powder into Ice Cold Milo, it just doesn't work :P CHILLLSSS

TS: Do update us on how the seller responds after this :)
Btw imo i feel u shld bring a fren along. just in case of anything. got witness.
Again, the discussion has been over for quite awhile already, why still argue over it :/. No point adding Milo powder into Ice Cold Milo, it just doesn't work :P CHILLLSSS

TS: Do update us on how the seller responds after this :)
Milo Dinosaur!!

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