I would love to see this on the MRT...

IMO, singapore has very very little TRUE talent like this. Sure anyone can pick up an instrument and learn it but these guys are born with this musical inclination. Singapore's population is too small for there to be a substantial amount of truly musically talented youngsters.

Although I d LOVE! to be proven wrong by something this nice in a public transport:rolleyes: (I thought this emoticon is like a thinking one, not a rolling eye one)
let make it a better place by not making a nuisance outta our love of music and in the name of sharing.

its irritation most of the time. Coz

1) i dont know how to appreciate your music which you like
2) just because you like, doesnt mean i have to listen or like
3) the sound which you think is godly, sounds pretty hellish to me
4) as if father mother never teach manners properly
5) the surrounding ambient sound is actually bad enough, dont have to add in somemore
definitely of course, i fully agree with that.

but gotta look at the context sometimes i guess. I bet the ah bengs also think that their music will impress people when they blast those on public transport as well, but then, it aint really the case also mah

but i guess Singaporeans can tell who are the ah bengs and those who are not. But then again, they wouldn't know if they are seeking attention or just wanna brighten up the atmosphere.

Stereotyping, i guess.
alamak if anyone were to do it in the MRT train.you'd have to get a license cause it'd be considered as basking.

Singapore will only make money out of our bravery and talent.
I would personally constitute using ANY instrument (acoustic guitars, hand drums etc) on the MRT as nuisance.

That is why perhaps an all-vocal performance would be as far as one could go. Then again a straight out everyday acapella with vocal harmony and stuff is still bland by my books.

These guys, on the other hand, they become instruments themselves. Which make them REALLY something. Check out their other videos and you'll see why.

I personally think that, if there were ever anyone want to try this, it's best to start out with some place more open first eg Starbucks at Plaza Singapura.

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