i got literally friggin' ROBBED ! :(

hmm while we're on this,
why not try coming out with all the different nicks these poor excuse of a human often use.

lets see,
boi,( also known as boy, or baby..
samurai (basically any warrior like names, eg, warrior, slash, parang)
spider (basically any animals they can thing of that they thing is cool or fierce like dragon for instance.)
hmm while we're on this,
why not try coming out with all the different nicks these poor excuse of a human often use.

lets see,
boi,( also known as boy, or baby..
samurai (basically any warrior like names, eg, warrior, slash, parang)
spider (basically any animals they can thing of that they thing is cool or fierce like dragon for instance.)

hmm, care to share more? i didn't know about these nicks... lol, just share any knowledge you have on this grp of people
well theres nothing much to share actually,
they are practically using ( the malays mats)
any names thats simple (for they have low IQ)
and sounds cool or fierce.
i really dont know whats their defect..

but the funny thing is you can find alot of different mats using the same nick,
like lets take, boi spider....
ive seen 3 boi spider.. haha
anyone here knows chinese ahbengs names?
ive been seriously trying to find out.. haha.
well boi spyder is nothing.
ive met a boi berg
(berg stands for smartly dressed, handsome dude)
hmm while we're on this,
why not try coming out with all the different nicks these poor excuse of a human often use.

lets see,
boi,( also known as boy, or baby..
samurai (basically any warrior like names, eg, warrior, slash, parang)
spider (basically any animals they can thing of that they thing is cool or fierce like dragon for instance.)

they spider i use shieldtox lor
u really made my day bro
i know one
boi cicak
lizard boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well actually there is a boi cicak.
ive seen 1 so far..

like i said earlier. they will use anyname that they THINK is cool
hahahahah boi boi boi .
i know boi cool . boi black . boi stylo . boi shinz .
then the funniest is LoS AnGeLes BoI. hahaha.
wanted to add on to the BOIS thing. ha.

and there's a local punk band called The Bois.
hahaha, one of my fren even call himself after the 1 hit wonder hairstyle, boy london...hahaha, btw AKI S Ian, im not making this up, but this guy in sec sch who is an ah beng, he call himself as Tong Gek, in malay mean, bend down.....
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lol.. boi tong gek.. i kick him from behing anytime...

wah, nowadays these people are getting bolder with their nick names in a desperate attempt to carve a 'unique' identity for themselve.

next thing you know they'll name their son with such name.
but hey ive heard of this guy naming his kid Adam Anarchy
Anw the Tong Gek is a chinese, hahaha....Adam Anarchy i heard before,i think some of them don name themself, some i heard, when they are drunk their peers or bloodbrother(chey!!!) call each other name until it became their nick, some name themself to intimidate, more to humiliate for me.....some just cant make up a cool name, u cant expect this kind of ppl to name themself after some black metal artist, Boi Behemoth, Boi Gaahl, Boi Kambing Hitam...hahahahha, sound so wrong...
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DIR;hmmm yeah some of these boi are cool friends its just their name thats the problem

JaarVis:who knows myabe he is.. we'll never know the real lifestyle of these celebrities.

Liberator: damn, i pity the girl whos with boi small. imagine her pain...(more like lack of pleasure) =p

and yeah i have to agree with headwan.
for those of you who dont know there was this associatiob of minah's back 5-6 years ago in north area who called themselves the "sisters lucifer" the irony. so does that make them the playtoys of lucifer?

oh and when i say they named their kid adam anarchy i meant the kid's real name is Adam Anarchy.
i tot was his nick, my fren told me it was rumoured to be his real name, now u say it is his real name....wah.....i wanna name my son boi pentagram...ahakz