I bet you would QUIT smoking!

they should just let us smoke. seriously. if we die young, big deal. there's the baby boom to replace us.

hurhur. just curious. how many female smokers are there here?
ahhh i like ur approach. no1 cares if u die young, no? die young, die lah. big deal man. some1 once said to me tht females who smoke occasionally, they have class. i thot it to b a pretty weird theory.
see we like to believe that people actually care when we die. but then they'll look and check out the cause of death,

honestly. how many people do you died due to smoking? to my knowledge? very few.


female smokers have class? yeah right. if they did, i need loads of catching up man.
well bt massive smoking can sure cause problem in ur throat. my friends already startin ta have blood bombs. gd tht im an always-quitting-smoker-by-day-dancer-by-night. i'd rather females stay away frm smoking tho. they give birth. wouldnt want more depressed moms now would we.
psionic said:
hahah.... anyway quitting smoking is such an easy thing...my friends did it more than 10 times

It's great your friends found it so easy. I have people that I know that took forever to quit smoking. They even had to go for those "Quit Smoking" programs that they hold in some places. But yeah, guys, smoking is bad ..



:lol: wehehe.
the essence of a kiss is not in the breath nor the width of your mouth nor the length of your tongue .... it's the passion .... taste me!! :P

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