I bet you would QUIT smoking!

science teacher told us that passive smoking is more harmful than smoking itself. you breathe 77 times or something like that more of those 170 more or less chemicals.
Frummer said:
btw...how can the storekeeper throw the cigg packet at his customer after he paid...furthermore kicked out without even getting his packet instead getting a free shirt and mayb a few bullet holes if he is unlucky :(

they also got free haircut!! :supz:
sycododo said:
science teacher told us that passive smoking is more harmful than smoking itself. you breathe 77 times or something like that more of those 170 more or less chemicals.

Bet your science teacher didn't tell u smoking reduces sperm count thus reduces birthrate. They shld have collab with the geography teacher regarding this and give a 2in1 lesson, thus increasing the duration of recess times, thus increasing the revenues of the canteen vendors. But longer recess times have it's disadvantages, it means more time for juvenile delinquents to fight in toilets, steal from bags etc. etc. and so on so on.... and yesh~ smoke in toilets.

back to square one.

what the...? :smt069
But they still have to try. Regardless of whether it's gonna make an impact or not.

Why anyone would want to pay such a large sum of money (especially these days with the duties skyrocketing) to slowly poison yourself to death is beyond me. However if you wish to do so, it's your choice. Just please, I...er, beseech you not to blow secondhand smoke in our faces. We want lungs that still work in the coming years.
yes. obviously, i will not. I'm not evil.

and of course, no one will ever pull such a stunt by standing in front of me, waiting to be blown with 2nd hand smoke onto their faces. hmm...
LEMONed_Z said:
Frummer said:
btw...how can the storekeeper throw the cigg packet at his customer after he paid...furthermore kicked out without even getting his packet instead getting a free shirt and mayb a few bullet holes if he is unlucky :(

they also got free haircut!! :supz:

not much hair to cut in the first place...and in the end he found himself a partner...while in the beginning he was alone...

this campaign aint so bad after all :lol:
sycododo said:
there wasn't really a need to include the birth rate thing..

yes. maybe. but it's a fact worth highlighting. what worries me is that whether smoking too much will kill my dream of having 3 daughters. :?
i'm sorry .. when i saw that ... i couldn't help it but kept laughing ... Hahaha :lol: oh man .. poor guy ...

ya man ... soaring cigarette prices are forcing people to resort to cheap duty free ...
well. smoking is a choice, really. it's unfair since sometimes passive smoking is really unavoidable but ultimately people have to be allowed to exercise free will. forturnately for us non-smokers the government has free will to make laws to protect the public too. Personally I feel that one's free will stops where hurting someone else begins.
well the government has made it harder for us to smoke.. no smoking at interchange blah blah.. but i'm still a heavy smoker *looks at 9 boxes of cigs*
psionic said:
hahah.... anyway quitting smoking is such an easy thing...my friends did it more than 10 times
yeahhh man this "quit smoking" thing is over-rated. i'v already quit more than a hundred times. now thtz major quitting rite there. no smoking at interchange??????? hey i juz smoked at bedok inter last nite. or u mean no smoking in q.

anyways to smokers, all these anti-smoking or quit-smoking advertisements doesnt affect. Its a waste of money for advertisers. And this video OWNED my lil sister. Doesnt make me quit. Just makes me laugh.
both in q and the inter.. you didnt see the look here signs? haha.. it didnt really matter.. at pr inter all the bus drivers need to do is just walk to the field next to the inter.. all it takes is 10 seconds.. so doesnt really bother me..