What neck profile do you have?
Zakk Wylde shaves his Les Paul Custom neck to the wood so it's thinner abit and has a baseball bat feel. according to his words. So it's a feel thing, possibly contributing to his sound yes, because it plays better to him, he practices more, he can do more of his patented vibrato, thus making the guitar geeks scream.
Every single thing used in an electric guitar or acoustic, from the way it's made, materials, craftsmanship and methods, combines to give a guitar it's character, tone and timbre. And every guitar, from one Strat to the next or whatever, sounds different.
So, one guitar's dull may not be the case the next, with say both having their paint stripped off. In your case, we may never know if it would sound different.
However, sir, I humbly suggest to take a chill pill about your guitar changing it's sound drastically.
Think the chick in the middle row would notice hmmm yes yes his Telecaster with the 500k tone control and his new braided cable thru his AC30 sounds brighter vs when he had a 250k.... No sir.
But, if it makes you happy and make your practice the guitar more, do what you want with your gear =]
You would probably change the sound a whole lot more without doing permanent workmanship to your guitar by changing pickups.