Of the 3, only one makes for an interesting discussion.
Let me tell you a lil bit of history. The name was influenced by this spanish lutherian called Salvador Ibáñez, natively pronounced sahl-vah-door ee-bahn-yez.
Then, somehow, the japanese pronounced it ai-bah-ni-zu which in turn in proper british english is Ee-buh-nehz but in shitloads of American hay it's Aye instead of Ee.
As for Squier it's pretty obvious, and its NOT squeer. Don't u know how to pronounce QUIET? Of course instead of eht it would be uhr. Same goes for Fernandes u hear so much of it on tv what else can it sound like? Oh yes, natively (spanish, italian, portuguese etc) it would be Fehr-nahn-dehss.
Yngwie. In Indo-European languages w is a double v and not a double u, and ie can be ee or in between ee and eh. Yng would be yes, a very quick ying. Wie is NOT vay, but rather veh or in germanic regions veeh.
Schecter, another germanic word. Sch is simply Sh. C is light K or sometimes silent. Shehk. Ter would be tur as in turn. Shaehk-tur. Shaehk = in between shehk and the "shack" that you live in. However u may say it as Shehk also no problem.