Ok Go, Just How Creative Can These Guys Get?


New member

From threadmills , marching bands, now this Rube Goldberg machine, it amazes what these guys can think of for their videos everytime.

With over 51 million views (view the video here), Ok Go is definitely redefining the boundaries of what independent labels can do with a little creativity through free marketing channels like youtube and the likes.

Of course, not many of us have the resources or contacts (engineer behind the Rube Goldberg machine talks here) to pull off something like this. But like Gerald G. Jampolsky said "A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations."

Damian Kulash (lead vocals and guitar) once said that the band had not produced the YouTube videos as part of any overt "Machiavellian" marketing campaign. "In neither case did we think, 'A-ha, this will get people to buy our records.' It has always been our position that the reason you wind up in a rock band is you want to make stuff. You want to do creative things for a living."

In the spirit of making a living out of the arts, I beg to differ on the part "In neither case did we think, 'A-ha, this will get people to buy our records."

So go on musicians! While you are up crafting that song to perfection, why not also think of ways on how to promote and spread yourself (song, band, video....) through all these wonderful viral channels already created for you to tap on.

Hmm, now the Singapore Flyer seems....