Tuning is Dangerous
Give us a Tune
So, you have your guitar. It has strings on it. You've developed solid steel fingertips. The strap is firmly secured. All you need to do before you start playing is tune it.
While tuning the first string, I noticed that the E was unusually flat. I must have been overzealous in my attempt to get it into proper pitch because, half a moment later, the string (steel, mind you) had snapped over the back of my hand, leaving a supremely painful welt and beads of blood...
Of course, there's a bright side to everything...
I should be thankful that it didn't break the bones, and that I was wearing glasses.
Sage advice. Eye protection may not be a bad idea when tuning a temperamental guitar2.
... the end of the string caught me in the left eye. 'Ouch!' I thought, rubbed it, and carried on. Next morning, my eye seemed a little more bloodshot than usual. As the day progressed, it became gradually redder, more watery and a lot more painful. It hurt when my eye was open. It hurt when my eye was closed. It hurt when I dried off the excess tears. It hurt when I left it wet. It hurt.
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Better get the right equipment/people