How to tell an imitation bass to a real bass?


New member
recently i reserved a squier bass the color is olypic white and i searched all over yahoo but i cant seem to find the pic..I'm afraid that it is an do we tell between a real bass to a imitaion bass?
I booked it at ranking sports and music bras basah
play long enough and you'll be able to differ...anyway ranking sports is a reputable shop...i believe they wont sell fake goods,and if they want to sell fake goods,they wont sell fake squier :lol:
i dont think so bro...anyway custom build guitar from unlicensed luthier is also fake what,if you get what im trying to say... 8)
Yea...squier is a good brand under fender.
Squier is kinda like the "new" fender.
I hope its original..
i'm still searching the net..
but i cant find the color..its a j-bass california series squier.
The cost is $ too cheap? Just the bass for $350.No package. no strap no guitar bag
Is the price right for a squier bass? or is it too cheap?
the california series aint that bad. its a lot better thatn those cheap starter packs. i got a squier starter pack at $600 last ime anyway.

squier will be a pretty good buy.
squier is not the 'new' fender....its like super budget product of fender...and 350$ without any accessories is not too cheap for squier...
what you're trying to say that if internet dont have white colour means that the goods is probably not original? what kind of logic is that?
i understand your worries,but no one will ever produce a fake squier,i swear...they wont gain anything by doing that
firstly, Squier is NOT the new Fender. it's a subsidy of Fender.
California series are not fakes.
they're only aviable in south east asia thus, not shown on the fender or squier site.

once again, Squier ISN"T the "New" Fender.

Why want immitate squier when u can fake the oh so mighty fender!
haha realx. we all started out liek you. didnt know anything. they werent harsh or anything but just couldnt believe that a squier copy would exist. as you get more into this, you'll learn a lot more things.


btw, welcome to the SOFT bass forums and hope you'll enjoy being here. hope we can be a bunch of more friendly peeps with newbies if we want the local music scene to grow.
The time and effort to produce a fake Squire is just not worth it. Those ppl who fake them are not stupid. So don't worry unnecessary.
dude .. don't use yahoo to search man .. use google .. the yahoo search engine is really bad ...
Doubt Ranking so asshole will bring in fakes... haha... i thought yahoo's using google search engine? no more?
I got my Squier P-bass for $370. So the price range is right.

Nope, google and yahoo are totally separate. They are the big 2 when it comes to internet search. Though alliances are constantly shifting.. MSN used to use yahoo's PPC ads, but now they use their own.
oh well... the last time i used yahoo was in...
haha 2004? yahoo's search engine was under google back then... When friends become enemies...