How to start learning guitar?


New member
Hi guys, new to guitar here but interested on learning. Problem is i don't know where and how to start :(
Any recommendations on guitar to buy and how to i go about learning it on my own? Keen on learning til proficient enough to learn to play songs. Thanks for the help in advance!
good! u have the interest ... now, it's the determination!

borrow from a friend, just grab any guitar to play with ... no point going out to buy 1 and it just stay in a corner of your room.
learn a few basic chords, combination of 4 can play a song (e.g. C, Am, F, G) strum each chord ONCE, get the groove, tempo right
then get co-ordination of both hands, slowly buy surely ... u'll get it

happy learning :)
TS bro. very vague question but firstly,

Then study basic theories from websites like
Parts of guitar and their uses, the different chords and notes on the fretboard and CAGED system.
Strumming patterns can learn like up up up up down down but as time goes by, its by feel.

recommendations on guitar to buy?
There are alot of threads on that. do a search.