how to post pics? is long lasting/ everlasting than photobucket. as in the duration the photo will last on the post. Photobucket will delete or remove the link of the picture, if there's no activation, by clicking on it for 7days. Correct me if i'm wrong :mrgreen:
Hi all, is it just me or is picture posting "insert image" not available? Can't seem to post pics, or smileys, etc. I tried using both Firefox and internet explorer, without success. Any help? Thanks!
Do you see this ->
in your Reply box?

Hi! I do see this image, but its not "clickable", i.e, its just a static icon. Likewise with the smileys at the right side of the reply screen. It was still fine the day before though. Am I the only one with this anomaly? Thanks!
:confused: mine works ok.

Yeah, it seems it is my computer that's acting up. I've tried other devices and they all work ok. Does anybody know what could have caused the entire row of options like "insert link" to "insert video" to become static icons and not clickable? I've not done any changes to my computer recently. Puzzling. Appreciate the help, folks!
Ok! I've gotten the "insert image" and other options back! I don't know if its related but I uninstalled the old Java and then reinstalled the latest version. Now, it works!

Hi administrator

I don't seemed to have that 'post image' icon in my reply box. By reply box, I hope it means the row where you see the 'reply', reply with quote', 'report post' and 'add to users' reputation' symbols/icons. Those are the only items that I see in my reply box. Unless the reply box is referring to another section. Please help. Thanks.
Sorry, I don't really know how to activate those codes if I am supposed to. Could you explain further how to do it?