How to know if that person is into music

How to know if that person is into music?

Perhaps it’s a digression; but please insert the word “currently” between the words “is” and “into” (into the original question/query above) and it should make it easier (and/or much more brutal) for “everybody”.

How to know if that person is currently into music?

This “apek” don’t have all the answers; but is suggesting that one also ask him/herself the following questions: -

1. Would I still own and (still) play a “musical instrument” and/or “sing” 10 years from now?

2. Would I still own and (still) play a “musical instrument” and/or “sing” 20 years from now?

3. Would I still own and (still) play a “musical instrument” and/or “sing” 30 years from now?

4. Would I still own and (still) play a “musical instrument” and/or “sing” ….. …. … .. . after I am married, have children, … .. . eerrr … .. . being called a grandpa/ma . .. … …. ….. ??

5. Would there come a time when I have to consider and/or think about “… .. . who’s worthy of inheriting my treasured collection of musical instruments; … .. ???

“old rockers never die, they just roll over”

This reply = /thread.

But the quote made me loled.

Old = Fat = Roll Over.
Does he shoot heroin? If he does he's probably damn into music.

are you kidding me? i have bunch of friends during my teen who shoot heroin but not into music they are into more trips and always looking for the next score. So does a musician need to engage in wild sex orgy? get drunk and get wasted? hmm... well if im a rock star maybe but as a normal joe having a passion in music i don't think so.

life is strange:P

What do you mean by into music?
Listen to music, love to listen to wide range of music or even being a fan to a specific genre, but don't play, considered into music?
Or a musician who is a hobbyist, practise 1-2times a week? Into music?
Or a aspiring-to-go-pro musician, then can be considered into music?

Hmm.. it's hard to define, and my advice to you in order to save some heartache and saliva is that, people have a varied conviction and passion in doing stuffs, and that includes music. For me, those into music are people who love to continually explore, improve and create, and they do set aside time for training (and this varies too!). I work with musicians who are very very different, and some are plain indifferent. That's reality, so don't get too worked up? :)

Just make sure you wanna stick around with the right clique. Although I haven't found mine yet... ... (that's why I'm doing solo..hahaha)
are you kidding me? i have bunch of friends during my teen who shoot heroin but not into music they are into more trips and always looking for the next score. So does a musician need to engage in wild sex orgy? get drunk and get wasted? hmm... well if im a rock star maybe but as a normal joe having a passion in music i don't think so.

life is strange:P

Sarcasm detection fail.
How do you know if you are into music? Can someone tell me what it means to be 'into music'? ):

'I listen to music everyday. Yay! I'm so god damn into music! I can't live without music. Music must be playing 24/7. Wherever i go whatever i do! Music is my life! I can't live without it!.....' yada yada.
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I think someone who is deep into music may not necessarily appears to be one with the appearance that they are into music.

For eg. you see the Singapore Idol judge Ken Lim - he look damn ordinary. but heck his comments are sharp and critical. Mean, but it is valid. I even clapped while watching him comments. lol.. Although I don't know if he plays any instruments or not. But we still can see that this guy is damn into music right?

People like me, don't bother to dress up but still turn out quite good on practices I guess?

I am not a pro, but I can safely say that I am into music - even made a crap videos of myself playing guitar and put it on youtube for the world to see..haha

So its all about finding the true character within the members..

And I realise I am not really helping here..hahaah

What do you mean by into music?
Listen to music, love to listen to wide range of music or even being a fan to a specific genre, but don't play, considered into music?
Or a musician who is a hobbyist, practise 1-2times a week? Into music?
Or a aspiring-to-go-pro musician, then can be considered into music?

Hmm.. it's hard to define, and my advice to you in order to save some heartache and saliva is that, people have a varied conviction and passion in doing stuffs, and that includes music. For me, those into music are people who love to continually explore, improve and create, and they do set aside time for training (and this varies too!). I work with musicians who are very very different, and some are plain indifferent. That's reality, so don't get too worked up? :)

Just make sure you wanna stick around with the right clique. Although I haven't found mine yet... ... (that's why I'm doing solo..hahaha)

Haha, Jeremyspk dude, i feel u man, my situation is very very similar to urs too. :cool:

As for bro Evodia, i do not have much experience but what i would do is either a)be patient, b)kick him out or c) set him an ultimatum(although it may make you look demanding). Anyway, good luck on your musical journey and hope that your problems will be resolved soon. :-D

As for Sobir and lou5y, I just laughed my ass out reading their replies especially for Sobir's, LOL, what in the world does having a gf of different race got to do with having musical passion? Please,please, enlighten us :confused:
How to know if your friend,band mate or outsiders are into music?

They might say they are into music, but in their heart, they just be in a band just for the sake of being in a band.

Show off?
To impress someone?
a follower? ( just follow what people say, eg: tell them to be in band but he or she doesnt have a opinion on its own.. just follow wad the friends says..)
Real passion?

Its like, when someone ask u to learn a song, would u like brush off and play the easy way or modified it?


would u take the initiative to learn the real chords for guitar and the right beats for drums?

like some ppl, they are not good in tempo.. to me, they could slowly improve their playing..

but for some ppl, they dont know the structure of the song, to me its no excuse, they just choose not to learn the song properly..

so how do u jam with people like that..?

hw do u tell them without hurting their feelings?

or wad if their head a like "stones"?

ive known a few people like them..

so any good advices?

im not expecting the harsh ones.. keep it cool.. :-D:cool:

I think your topic should have been phrased as 'How Do You know if someone is into MAKING music?'. Asking how to tell if someone is into music is like asking someone how they brush their teeth or chew their food - Almost everybody is into doing it, but in their own way, with their own preferred taste.

It sounds like you are having trouble with your band mates at the moment. Before you get too angry at their work ethic, however, you have to consider the following:

1) Because jamming for leisure is not a contractually bound project, it is hard for everyone to be on the same page with the same goal in mind.

2) If you are serious about pursuing music as a career, then you can always get rid of the members who aren't sharing the same life pursuits as you.

3) If they are your friends, and bringing up the subjective is tentative, you can always make jammings more infrequent while pursuing other musical projects outside of this social group. If they eventually notice it, they are less linclined to complain about your 'musical infidelity' if they haven't put in their best efforts as well.
3) If they are your friends, and bringing up the subjective is tentative, you can always make jammings more infrequent while pursuing other musical projects outside of this social group. If they eventually notice it, they are less linclined to complain about your 'musical infidelity' if they haven't put in their best efforts as well.

I like this.
i pretty much picked up guitar/drums just because its cool. but over time, i've grown a liking towards music. to me music is not just listening to it, but actually enjoy the song, the meaning behind it. and having a fav band to me which is All Time Low is a guidance to me that the style of them playing is very similar to me. u dont need knowledge or brains to love music. all you need is a little passion for it, the will and preserverance to actually becoming good at a certain instrument. now i play the guitar not because its cool or to impress people but to make me actually feel good. i had a friend who wanted to perform for a girl at school. well his heart was not in the group or the song. so we just told him that we are doing this for a reason and that reason is to love music and play it for the sake of music. if he really is matured he will think it over. so good luck to you.
haha... thats a good question. for me, im into music but im sucky in instruments. im more of the sound engineering side of music. i listen to a broad range of music. From avant-garde, ragtime, movie, games and tv soundtracks to ur newer english, chinese, jap pop. usually when i tok to these ppl, from questions i ask, i will noe if that person is into music or not. Its real simple. if someone says he or she loves jazz music, u ask him or her, which jazz musician do you listen to. if he or she says kenny g, i would shut up and walk away, because this shows how shallow he or she knows about jazz. for rock, if he says something like linkin park etc, that the same thing. to me, if u are into music, you would love anything that is good. if u say jay chou songs are good, i want to noe why. Because he sings well? his melodies are good? he gets really good arranger to arrange his songs? and not because he looks handsome because thats not answering to the question. im asking you why do u tink jay chou songs are good and u tell me because he looks handsome? if u tell me you love metal, i wan to noe that you love it because of the killer guitar soloes, the weird time signature, how they made the song sound so heavy and not because oh, coz metal rocks! it makes my head bang.
and also, if someone says i really love drumming, the least they need to noe is dave weckl, guitarist they need to noe paul gilbert, steve vai, tommy emmanuel, b.b. king, SRV. If not it juz makes them look like such a loser.
same goes for keyboardist, they need to noe hiromi, billy preston etc.
and bassist, john patitucci, billy sheehan, m2, stanley clarke, victor wooten etc.
and if u love chinese pop, dun tell me you dunno who is zhang yu sheng, li zhong sheng. if you love japanese stuff, you need to noe x japan, utada, cassiopeia's stuff.

and lastly, if u really love music, please please tell me u noe mj and beatles.

i hope tat answers your questions. and hopefully some insights for some of our softies here.

Perfectly demonstrated, brethren.
You have my deepest respect.

To Evodia: Our fellow softy here has just demonstrated how someone with a shallow and pretentious perception of music would behave and speak. If anyone talks like that (give or take the bad English), he probably knows nothing about music, and possible not even how to spell the word.
I don't know musical knowledge and theory is really necessary to be really into music, unless you are talking about being a musician. For myself, I don't like to think so much about music, I listen to what sounds good to me. I can listen to Rush one day and Eminem the next.

Remember, there is no such thing as bad music, just music you don't like.

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