Ichiro said:
i saw lots of negative comments on SAE.... but i would juz like to make some points for u guys out there to consider...
Hello Bro Ichiro,
I'm sure you know who Ed is right? *grinz* Some great points you have raised there, drop me a line in MSN some day when you're free, we'll have a good talk. Just to answer a little from my own opinions...
no.1 - did u experience it yrself? or this is a 2nd hand information you got form someone in the sch?
If we have to experience ever single school, by the time we are done, we are probably 40 years old. A better way of assessing it in my opinion is to look at their curriculum subjetcs, while at the same time talking to people who are actively in the industry to have a better picture to stay relevant.
no.2 - Do u know as a audio engineer, u don't get jobs by juz having the cert?
Can't agree more with this.
no.3 - Did u study in the school before & experience what the courses offer yrself?
As per no.1 ... alot of experience can be drawn from people whom have taken the courses and again, cross reference with the industry people. It is really not too hard to figure out if a course at certain schools will be suitable or worth the money and time. If a curriculum program that tells me I will be spending time on paper more than time with machines compared to a second school, of course I would opt to go to the second school. At least I know I will be doing more hands-on.
no.4 - being a audio engineer is not abt juz staying in the studio to record songs, there is whole lot more stuff u will learn in the sch, do u know that?
What students fail to do these days is, do a comprehensive check before signing up for any course. We can't help it on this one. We live in a paper-chase society which does not really goes well in the arts and music scene. It's sometimes tough for an "O" levels student to get their results in April and decide what course to take up within a space of 2 weeks. This - I would say is damaging policy and procedure here locally. UNLESS, this young person has been thinking about this since years ago.
no.5 - and do u know that u can use the SAE dip here in singapore as an stepping stone to study degree in other sch in the world.
I'm keen to know who are the partners they are working with for SAE Sg.