how to get slash sound

hofner said:
my friend got 80%...keep it a secret please.

Anyway i bought the velvet revolver album " contraband" and he uses line 6 whats that.
Is that suppose to be sarcastic?
Rossie said:
hofner said:
my friend got 80%...keep it a secret please.

Anyway i bought the velvet revolver album " contraband" and he uses line 6 whats that.
Is that suppose to be sarcastic?

No No please don't get the wrong idea...i wasn't trying to be sacastic..but sorry if i was.
ok..thanks for all the advices....i cant afford all those jcm stuffz....but im not that that means i cant even get close to slash tone.. :( .. nvm....

my neck pickup really sux...can never provide a clean sound. any recommendations on a pickup that can provide clean sound? cuzzie recommended the EMG 60.... and he asked me to combo it wif the EMG 81 at the bridge...for that a good combo? :?
I have a set of EMG-81 and 85 on my Ibanez.
It's a great combo, if you're going for metal that it.
Other than that, it's good for nothing else.
The 85 at the neck is really good for clean sounds. On the contary, the 81 is really terrible at cleans.
It has a really bassy bottom-end, the mid is excellent. What I don't like about the 81 is the high-end output, too trebly and hot.
Plus, EMGs are more expensive then the conventional passive pick-ups. And they need to change batteries every 4 months or so, apply that you always jack in your cable.
If you're going for a more 70's 80's rock tone, you couldn't go wrong with Seymour Duncans or D'Marzios.
vespa said:
my neck pickup really sux...can never provide a clean sound.
Sometimes it's your amp.
Maybe it has already blown?
Your clean channel will sound a little distorted.
ouh..thanks for the advice regarding the EMGs rossie. :D very interested in 70s 80s rock.....wud it be better to get second hand pickups... cuz im on a tight budget and furthermore...i have to ask people to fix...

btw how to know if my amp has blown?.... i was told that ibanez arent very good in clean....
Ibanez's clean isn't good?
Hmmm...... Frankly speaking, I prefer my Ibanez neck pick-up to my SD...
The middle-end Ibanez RG guitars has it's own V7/8 pick-ups wired with D'Marzios.
Used pick-ups? Wouldn't recommand it. You won't save much by getting used Seymour Duncans. It isn't economical.
I can elaborate on that if you want, I'm studying economics :p
ouh...icic...i dun think so cuz my friend have tried his guitar on my amp and it sounds clean..

So ur saying its better to get new pickups straight from the shop?...and btw can u elaborate? haha
non of which will sound like slash at all, without the right amp, right speaker cab, right pedals and lastly, the finger of slash. Getting close maybe, but will never.........