how to get slash sound

yeah...i like the feel of my guitar. so the pickups that hes using is the seymour duncan one rite?....but how much do they charge for installing pickups?....or do anyone of you know how to fix?
You could wield the pick-up yourself if you know how. The pick-up comes with a wiring diagram. It's also quite cheap to ask someone professional to do it. It's Seymour Duncan Alnico II Pro.
In the wah part, Slash is actually still using the neck position with the tone knob rolled back. He could still get that huge range in his wah is because his Jim Dunlop Wah is rack mounted.
If you don't feel confident you could take the guitar down to swee lee, yamaha music plaza(plaza sing), music factory, sinamex, lotsa places to get them done. I would say it'll cost about 30 dollars odd? I'm not too sure but i paid about that price i think. Maybe others here can give a more accurate pricing on the installation of pickups.
In music plaza, it would be $25 for one pickup. $40 for two. For three, i'm not sure.

Hey, vespa. I would not recommend you to clone slash's sound. Are you gonna play slash's stuff for whole of your guitar career? Will you after a while get bored of slash's sound? Play guitar not for the sake to sound like someone, but for yourself. You can use slash as a reference in finding your own sound. But try to get your own sound.
hi all,

I dont think changing a pickup would help that much..
Its a combination of pickups and pedals..and other equipment

Vespa with all this advise i guess you would be confused..
To tell you the truth you can never get 100% of any guitarist tone..

i stress, u need at least a distortion pedal and learn to tweak inorder to get the tone..if u like, just get the pickup, then the pedal, or the other way round...
Btw i can fixed the pickup for you, but bear in mind with a practice amp that ur currently having i dont think that you can get the tone..

Pm if u need me to fix the PU OK..
penguin said:
hi all,

I dont think changing a pickup would help that much..
Its a combination of pickups and pedals..and other equipment

Vespa with all this advise i guess you would be confused..
To tell you the truth you can never get 100% of any guitarist tone..

i stress, u need at least a distortion pedal and learn to tweak inorder to get the tone..if u like, just get the pickup, then the pedal, or the other way round...
Btw i can fixed the pickup for you, but bear in mind with a practice amp that ur currently having i dont think that you can get the tone..

I agree fully. A pickup along can't change much of your sound unless you really got a good amp. There's a friend who happily change his pickup to SD's and when to home to play on his practice amp and viola... the sound he get is very disappointing. Then he came to my house and try on my marshall, the difference is a lot.
I would also recommend you getting a distortion or overdrive pedal. You can get more sound that way. And it is cheaper to get a pedal. Boss DS-1 and Digitech hotrod is good. Jim Dunlop MXR is also good.
I got my pick-ups done free...
I live in JB, so I had the nice shop owner at Holiday Plaza to help me out.
Two SD Alnico II Pro cost about S$340.
wow..its THAT expensive in Jb?sure Sing340?
i belive in Singapore should be 120 a piece or less..
Bro any url for this shop in Jb?
Just like to know what product they carry...
seems mega expensive in JB. Even being ripped off would but u back like 160+ per PU (includes installation)

Ahh well, I do agree that emulating the rock stars and nailing that tone is a great thing, but getting ur own sound is also important.

Getting ur own tone juz for the sake of it is not really recommended (by me at least). I would go for a good imitation than a bad original anytime. But being urself is important too.

Bottomline, you want the tone, just do it.

For me, I'm not too much of a fancy pants tone freak, my simple ZOOM GFX8 is more than enough.... maybe a few more compressors and boosters....but its enuff....can nail the sounds most of the time...though not 100%
Les Paul - Stock Pickups + Seymour Duncan Pickups + Marshall Amp = 80% Slash Tone

All the rockstar tones are custom....
hofner said:
Les Paul - Stock Pickups + Seymour Duncan Pickups + Marshall Amp = 80% Slash Tone

All the rockstar tones are custom....

My friend's gibson plus alnico 2 pro and plus my marshall dsl401 doesn't even get to 50% of slash's sound. Even with the settings set to 4 treble, 7 mid, 7 bass, the setting on slash's amp. Slash uses a sliver jubilee with groove tubes. And silver jubilee is expensive.
You need the exact model. The JCM800, JCM2000, JCM900 are totally different. Not to say the exact tubes.
I've played through a JCM800 plus my Gibby Les Paul with the pickups I mentioned, I added a Heil Talkbox and some other stuff too. The tone is EXACT. The 2555 works well too, but not as sweet as the JCM800.
The 150 watt JCM 800 Full Stack is just too big for me, I bought a used JCM800 combo, is sounds just like a full stack, only without the depth it has, and without it's overdrive channel. I used the PODxt to add the JCM800 overdrive. BTW, PODxt runs really terrible through tubes.
So it's impossible to get the exact sound or anyway near slash's sound. You can't get slash sound unless you go hunting for JCM slash and a gibson LP with alnico 2 pro. If you can find both, that's gonna cost thousands.

You need the exact model. The JCM800, JCM2000, JCM900 are totally different. Not to say the exact tubes.

I agree. They are different.

I've played through a JCM800 plus my Gibby Les Paul with the pickups I mentioned, I added a Heil Talkbox and some other stuff too. The tone is EXACT. The 2555 works well too, but not as sweet as the JCM800.

If your exact means slash's sound, how can a jcm 800 sound like a silver jubilee? The amp slash endorses is the silver jubilee.
marshall_law said:
So it's impossible to get the exact sound or anyway near slash's sound. You can't get slash sound unless you go hunting for JCM slash and a gibson LP with alnico 2 pro. If you can find both, that's gonna cost thousands.

You need the exact model. The JCM800, JCM2000, JCM900 are totally different. Not to say the exact tubes.

I agree. They are different.

I've played through a JCM800 plus my Gibby Les Paul with the pickups I mentioned, I added a Heil Talkbox and some other stuff too. The tone is EXACT. The 2555 works well too, but not as sweet as the JCM800.

If your exact means slash's sound, how can a jcm 800 sound like a silver jubilee? The amp slash endorses is the silver jubilee.
Sorry, my bad...
Have you heard of Snakepit's songs?
Slash uses a 2555 and JCM800, output into the same celestion speakers.
You could see that Slash's tone from Snakepit is a little different compared to his tone when he was with Guns 'N Roses.
I pay any amount for a NEW JCM800, but too bad they discountinued it, and is only available through the used market. At least I have the scaled-down version of it... The JCM800 is one of THE vintage amplifiers of Marshall. Slash uses the JCM800 too.
If you say the tone from the JCM800 and the 2555 is different, tell me which songs on AFD is different... (no pun indended)

Anyway, more on the JCMs...
The JCM900 are more common. Most people hunting for the Slash tone, went for the JCM900, only to be dissapointed. Listen to Dave Navarro, he plays a PRS through a JCM900. Personally, I don't like the JCM900. My favourite is the JCM800 and JCM2000. I'm looking into a Mesa Boogie Mark IV now. Need a Metal amp, eh?

Oh yeah, BTW, Metallica used the JCM800 in their early recordings, until they switched to Mesa Boogies (yeah!). Their bottem end seems endless. That is what I like about Mesas.
Yeah... nothing beats a jcm 800. The states still got lots of jcm 800 lead series. You can just ship them from oversea.

I like slash in snakepit and Gn'R. Sounds more like slash. I hate the sound slash has in VR. Sounds just like any other nu-metal dick.
My other guitarist has a JCM SLASH sitting in his home...
He the used half stack through eBay for about RM3,500, very cheap in my opinion. The JCM9000 Full Stack cost about RM10,000.
Rossie said:
My other guitarist has a JCM SLASH sitting in his home...
He the used half stack through eBay for about RM3,500, very cheap in my opinion. The JCM9000 Full Stack cost about RM10,000.

Wow... ain't he afraid that someone might break into his house and steal the jcm slash? For me i would lock it up in a safe.
I've only heard of the theme from The Hulk...
I didn't pay too much attention to it, so I think I've totally forgotten about the song...
Anyone comes to JB often?
When you guys see a Champagne Blue Diablo, give me a wave ;)
marshall_law said:
Rossie said:
My other guitarist has a JCM SLASH sitting in his home...
He the used half stack through eBay for about RM3,500, very cheap in my opinion. The JCM9000 Full Stack cost about RM10,000.

Wow... ain't he afraid that someone might break into his house and steal the jcm slash? For me i would lock it up in a safe.
He's rich...
He drives a CLK...

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