How to get heard? Individual Artist, not band

Haha I've been pondering over this question as well. But one thing we all can asks ourselves is "What sets us apart from all the other budding musicians?" Good looks? Good voice? Good instrument skills?

But I guess what you can do in the mean time is to practice hard and to set your own style! Then you pray people notice you and they like you :P
1) Get some money
2) Buy recording gear
3) Buy recording software
4) Program your music
5) Record your music
6) Arrange your music
7) Log on to internet
8 ) Find music sites(myspace and the rest of the universe)
9) Upload your music
10) Go make more friends by spamming their page on your music
11) Make friend round forums, spamming them with your music in signature section
12) whore yourself online, whore yourself outside, whore whore whore, spam spam spam music
13) be continued...
Haha yeah i agree.

Uhhh how to get heard by people?

Try to make as many musician friends, people who work with recording studios, big guitar companies and music related people.

They will be the one that can actually help you out next time. By media etc;

Or you can try uploading youtube videos of yourself. :)

If you ever wonder why Ashlee Simpson got a record deal, ask her dad :P Haha! Well unless you know anyone from 'up there', I guess you gotta do it the hard way. Start small? Get people to spread the word. Syltra Lee is a good example in the local scene, I heard of her from a friend and I've checked her webpage.

How do you find those "underground" and "unknown" performers? I guess that's how you should do it too.

Dave Matthews Band started performing for free, anywhere and anytime, and encouraged people to tape it and to copy it to their friends, who would do the same. That's another learning point as well!
to get oneself heard by others, there have to be music available in the first place.

If not, we dont have to talk here. This thread can be closed.

So, threadstarter, do you have any music to share? If have, then this thread will be the chance for people to hear.

If not, start today, write music, record, diy what so ever, no music for others to listen, theres prolly nothing more to say.
just practice and get out there to get gigs, even if for free...if you're good someone will notice you. if you're not'll be tough.
Before you can get anyone else interested to do shit for you you gotta show people that you can do it yourself first.

If you can't form band no-one will form for you.
If you decide to go solo then find some shows. If you can't find shows, no-one will find for you
1) Get some money
2) Buy recording gear
3) Buy recording software
4) Program your music
5) Record your music
6) Arrange your music
7) Log on to internet
8 ) Find music sites(myspace and the rest of the universe)
9) Upload your music
10) Go make more friends by spamming their page on your music
11) Make friend round forums, spamming them with your music in signature section
12) whore yourself online, whore yourself outside, whore whore whore, spam spam spam music
13) be continued...

That is the end all be all solution, why aspire to get signed by a record label? Much less a major label? WHO NEEDS LABELS!?
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i think what singapore is lacking is

and Online Distribution

You are very wrong in both accounts.

We have plenty of musicians, a good sizable opportunities for distribution (if you know where to look) but still have yet to find a good audience size. We all wanna share the same stage, but nobody wants to be the one watching it.

Alot of bands + No audience = No point distributing.
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