How to boost my low mids? *help*


New member
if we're talking about a 10 band graphic equaliser, i'll just boost my low mids and mids

but if its a 3 knob parametric eq, how do i go about boosting my low mids?

turn my mids knob down?
I am not so sure whats ur setup like but i'm assuming from a parametic EQ on a mixer perspective.


Knob 1 - Select the frequency

Knob 2 - Adjust if its a narrow or wide range of frequencies to boost or cut

Knob 3 - Adjust the amount of dB to boost or cut

Maybe you would like to share more on hows your setup like?
heh. im asking about eq-ing on the amp

a normal amp with parametric eq only has bass/mids/treble

im wondering how to boost my low mids specifically with such a configuration
for amp circuit, they have their own tonestack, which depending on the interaction between the 3 knobs, to boost or cut certain frequency. One of the more known circuit which some amps have for the tone control, is known as baxandall tone control. Google for it if wanna read more

without knowing the frequency range over the tone circuit(bass/mids/ treble)works, its hard to say whether the tweaking of what you have, will actually affect over the range of the low mids you wanna
An eq with bass/mids/treble knobs only is NOT a parametric eq. A parametric can change the frequency at which it cuts/boosts. For example, a Metal Zone pedal has a parametric mid section...the knobs are low, high, mid and mid freq.
I wouldn't consider that kind of amp EQ parametric. You wanna boost low mids with your current amp setup?

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Growl aplenty.
Davis i believe, but might have to order in, i hardly see the shuttle 3/6.0 models in store.
LOL then either increase the gain on the "low mid" button. If dun have, like pathein suggested, mid can be anywhere from 240Hz- 1.2KHz (correct me on this please) as there is no fixed "mid" selection, and differs from amp to amp.

Safest is use ur on/out-board preamp or those with adjustable mid-freq, like a semi-parametric eq, or even patch ur pedal eq thro the amp
Davis is not the distributor for genz benz anymore. They only have the old stock,
not the new shuttle heads which came out only this year. I've got one that i shipped over from US. =)
You can retrofit ur bass with an Audere classic 4 band preamp - you can boost your low mids easily with that preamp :)