How To Be Emo.....rofl

how to be emo? simple, listen to emo songs for fun first... read the lyrics n den u'll get to it sooner or later... juz a suggestion...haha... 8)
Kaye said:
haha why so emo, be happy what. Aiyoo! what's the point being moody and cutting yourself up. sigh.. upset kids.

+1 to that, hehe

here's sthg for all u emo kids...

Like what many here are saying... Emo kids... Regardless of what in the world is emo, you'll grow out of it.

I can't imagine a grown man/woman listening to emo ... it just does not connect anymore by that age.

Anyway... There's better stuff out there that relate to emotions better than the teenage/adolesence angst (quickly turns repetitive and stale) which emo-bands churn out.
pss i actually wrote a emo song like.. ages ago. HAHAHA so embarrassing. OIE i'm not emo ok. I'm a fat happy girl YAY!

Pain Inside Me

[verse 1]
There are things that i cant handle
Frustration is boilin inside me
I have no choice but to cut myself and see how much it bleeds
I hate the Pain
The Blood oozing outta me

No one ever seems to care
But i know someone will be there
All this while, but it doesnt seems to be happening

Say it to me, that you care
and you know how it feels
Scream it out loud
and let me know how you feel

[pre chorus]
But i have no choice but to cut myself and see how much it bleeds
I Hate the pain
The Blood oozing outta me

[verse 2]
In my mind all the troubles
Problems Frustration
The never seems to End
But i know someone will be there
Waiting for me in the other end

Say it to me, that you do feel the pain [that you care]
and you know how it feels
Scream it out loud
and let me know how much it hurts [how you feel]

The pain inside is racing
The pain inside is killing me
All this while, it's never endin

No one ever seems to care
But I know that you will be there

Say it to me, that you care
and you know how it feels
Scream it out loud
and let me know how you feel

WHAHAHAHA :twisted: :twisted:

lol that was funny...but a thought just hit me...


...nv intended it to be this way...noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... :cry:
there's this class in this particular school where everygirl, or maybe one or two sensible ones CUT.
they cut into the infamous pattern...
|ll| ll|l

serious. i asked one of them, my friend, why.
she said, "i like barcodes."

ok. this is a serious question that just struck my head.
is tattoo-ing more painful than slicing every inch of your wrist all the way to the top?