How to be a better front person?

hii candie, here's some pointers.

1. relax your body, loosen it , release those tension on ur neck n chest, warmup ur voice. u dun wanna have an uptite feeling cuz dat'll lead to nervousness. get the song list for the gig n run it tro. drink plenty of water at dis time not onstage, cuz it takes 20mins for the fluid to be absorbed in your body.

2. read n study the crowd roughly 1 hr before ur show. look out for the happening ones, the quiet ones, those who really listens to the band or those who act like social butterflies. see who smiles n who dont.
try to make mental notes of them n use it in your stage dialogue. create a one liner jokes abt the funny incident earlier dat made the whole audiences took notice. compliment audiences, like how lovey dovey that couple at the corner over there or how nicely dressed she is..

3. mingle ard the audience, smile alot n have a chat with them telling them your band's slot n wat genre u play..if u approach them well, they will wait till ur band's turn n have a listen. dat way also ppl wont be shocked wen they see u perform. n u will be assured of performing infront of new frens rather than strangers..

4. tape the gigs, cover all angles include as much audience as possible. later on u can review the audience's response to your show n make proper adjustments to dat.

5. cast/dress yourself according to your musical genre onstage. no way u wanna paint ur face like a def metal band but u play original ballads. tak kena lah!! however, do be the star you tink u are, your the one who controls the mood of the ppl. use watever mental notes u have over the course of ur show.

6. if there is a mistake in the band (like wrong cue in) or u forget a verse; these tings happens lah, try not to show it, rather turn back n signal ur members the right cue n for your part to sing. this nids practice at the studio however. take notice how u guys react to mistakes then make proper ammendments.

7. pleassee, oh pleassee smile profusely n enjoy the way from perfect gigs!!
deonportnoy: I've never had the chance to check out his concerts man.. Got any videos? Send me? =p

somebody: Thanks! =) Great to hear that from you man.. Let's have fun the next time we jam! I should learn more from you man, you're a great front person! \m/

madmonkeykungfu: I'm sure some bands can pull off not interacting with the crowd cause they're already pretty famous and all right? Like for a new band starting out I'm sure they must catch the audience's attention one way or another.. And boring bands don't exactly appeal right =\

felytone: Thanks for the awesome advice! I'll keep them in mind! =)
above all, it really does help if you have dat professional outlook. kinda like u portray urself as a confident, experienced entertainer (maybe hypnotism mite werk but just keep dis mentality ingrained evryday wud do.)
then ppl will take notice of you more seriously...

the ting is audience want to be entertained by 'beings dropped from heavens'. do have this mentality, that they cant do wat u do onstage, thus they have to be down there just get awed by your presence. and after your set wen u chat up wit them, they will feel honoured having to talk personally wit the 'siren from the heavens', so to speak. and wen they feel that, you gained a new fan.

so, u have to feel gd, with the band, with the sound system (even tho most times its crap, but u just have to make believe..) n most imptly urself. dun forget to have that superstar ego onstage. practice dis tru the mirror evryday on your fav cool pose, how u hold the mic, how u sing etc.. try to look the star dat u wanna look onstage. be egoistic but only onstage. there's a reason y the stage is set a few feet higher; so that ppl will really look up to u and get awed by the minstrels from the heavens (so to speak of course, hehe)
Wow, great tips there man! I've never looked at it in that perspective before ;) Haha.. Cool man, thanks for enlightening me. I've reached the stage of nirvana and I'm floating on a lotus right now. Okay nvm =p Pardon the sudden loss of legs. Anyways. Be like a super hero on stage. Got it. =D Haha!
felytone: haha. i don't exactly agree with that... different bands have different ways of presenting. just look at the Observatory. They don't move around, they don't talk much, but they still bring in the crowds.

Of course, the way of presentation does depend a lot on what music and what concept you want to portray to people. Ronin would be a fine example of how to be a superstar. :)
I agree man, Ronin's got some wicked stage presence. Awesome band. Haha.

But I guess its all pretty generic, isn't it? All the same type of salutations, same way/routine of introducing songs/bandmates. Its tough to find your own style and your own special stage presence that makes you stand out and catch the audience's attention yet don't seem generic or like a rip-off. =\
I guess over time, you'll just mould into yourself on stage and your own 'style' would be more defined. Haha.
nahh, thor, im not talking abt moving ard..

im emphasizing wat kind of attitude a performer shud have, must feel proud n confident of the show dat youre gonna do. that said, i do agree it'll be out of place to have a funk band hopping mad like a punk outfit. dat one, u nid to decide wat kinda movements suit the band image..

aniway candie is asking how to be a better frontliner. n i tink a +ve mentality is ultra impt, as wat my prev posts had explained..

n yes, dis personal style nid to be developed over time..thus the nid to gig more!!!!

my 2 cents worth of course...
:) agreed felytone! a positive mentality is really really important.

hmm. just a thought. for singers singing, please do NOT put both hands down and sing... it's very unhappening-looking. You can rest your hands down at times, but the hands can really be more expressive imo (ie, grabbing the mic, holding the stand, raising it up/moving appropriately at certain points of the song).

it's even more vital if you don't move around, cos then your hands become the only prominent sign that you are performing on stage.
THOSE INTERESTED TO LEARN...PTE MSG me...I teach very cheap rates... :lol: 8)
BlackMoo said:
The ability to rally the crowd, really entertain them and get them grooving. On their feet even! Basically, entertain and deliver the band as best possible! Attitude!

That, and if you're getting stage fright just jump and keep jumping or do something that takes you're mind off the crowd. Usually if you get into it stage fright wears off.

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