Hehe thanks dude. But which one would be cheaper ?
Metal muff or pickup?
Sorry about the noobish-sounding question about the metal muff but,how do I use the pedal even if I get it?I play bass 1 year so I never buy any pedal,I am new to guitars
hey to threadstarter, if you choose to upgrade ur pickup,
when you hop amps, their distortions get better, as u switch pedals in the future, u'll be able to achieve better sounds as compared to just one metal muff.
metal muff is more ex, and trust me, there can never be enough pedals. (trust US, more likely)
but if u consider a pickup upgrade, it'll serve u well in the long run.
pedals DO NOT SERVE U IN THE LONG RUN. (couple of years) unless of course ur like zak, easily appeased by tone, which is a blessing. but for the majority, after u love one sound, u hear something else, u want it.
zax: yep it was a bit harsh from markedy, but your comment wasnt really helpful...
anyway to threadstarter, u have the choice of following zax or listening to the masses. hotrails is only $99