How much does the new (aug 06) SOFT website design suck?


New member
Anybody hate the new SOFT web design besides me? The former site was easy to navigate, fun to see the goodies for sale and latest topics, and didn't have any cheesy ads by Google

So, let's hear what you much does the new SOFT website design suck?

Vote for choice A, B, or C: (Or make up your own answers-- pro or con)

A. The new site design sucks big time. I'd be happier if we could change it back to the previous design.

B. Both designs are about the same.

C. The new design is a huge improvement. I like not being able to find things easily.
i chose A (however it does not 'suck big time', primarily because the new design is quite confusing although i visit soft very often. and also the addition of the Buy/sell section in the forum makes the front page having them (quite a lot of people use it eh) , making it a little more difficult to be aware of any new and interesting topics around.

but in any way well done to mr soft, added the new 'quick links' (Jump To Function, Jump To Forum) thing on the front page. :)

think james would appreciate some constructive comments

and if i'm not mistaken, the ads support the cost of running site bandwidth
B-Sharp, where have you been? SOFT sucks? ha..ha...

the only difference between the current and 2002 is .....


i concentrate on content and not look.

you can check out the software that i am using to run SOFT.
i liked the design ever since, and i dont think it will ever suck

im kinda missing the previous side bar with the animated letters spinning above the username.
What did you expect? It's a free forum.
We should be discussing how to improve soft not dissing it.
What do you want to achieve here?
i think both is gd...but a forum is always about its content and nt the design aint it??hahaha...its a place where ppl who haf similar interest hang out tgt...
actually, what are some of the nicer music website that you feel SOFT can learn from?

must be easy to maintain too.

** please click on the Google Ads ** it doesn't pay if no one click on them. :lol:
Re: How much does the new SOFT website design suck?

B-Sharp said:
C. The new design is a huge improvement. I like not being able to find things easily.

C, but i like being able to find things easily, and i dont think the new layout is any differnt from the old one in terms of this. besides, james spent his efforts on the new layout, and you are not even paying for this thing rite? so why complain? just enjoy this novelty that we local musicians have.
is there anyone who is good with design and/or php programming who like to make SOFT better?
bigger sigs= longer loading time for slower connections
the change does not suck but i prefer the older one
previously, we had 15 latest posts. now we have 10 latest posts.

anything else?