How many local cds do you own?

Rudra - Brahmavidya:Primordial I
Electrico - So Much More Inside
Ronin - The EP
WTN - Rotting in Pestilence

Got about 3 compilations from the metal bands in Singapore. So that's about 7 in total..
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
including stephanie sun, tanya chua, kelvin tan wei lian, lee si song, lee wei song or any of qin huai releases back in the 70s?

antedeluvian said:
round 400 cds

hahahahah actually i was just imagining.
if only the bands in singapore would actually dedicate their talents for more originals and recording instead of rushing for gigs and doing covers and all that.
there'd probably be more than 400 local demos or something by now
sorry if anybody finds this offensive
I've got...
less than 10.
*bangs head*

1. Electrico - Hip City
2. The Suns - 2.20
3. For Good!

and I'm still on my way to buy:
wgb, electrico's 1st, Rancour, Furniture.
AgingYouth said:
AEnimic said:

I can let you hold for $2. Hurhurhur ~

You might or might not already know that Lunarin used to be this band called Fuzzbox which bro reyar bro mentioned in his post. Unfortunately, I don't have their cassette demos. If not, they can be yours for $30!!! Hurhurhur ~

u are ONE dodgy person!!
hold for $2?! nvm...but if u wanna sell it,PM me anytime!

and Fuzzbox? actually what type of music do they play?
so far these are what i have/used to have

Aphelion - Within The Woods
Balberith - Rites Of Blasphemy
Black Torture/Blaspherion Split Tape - Altar Of Goat Fornications
Bloodstone - Merciless Onslaught
B Quartet - The Smitten Bard
Dethmute - Dethmute
Demonification - The Holocaust Continues
Doxomedon - Evanesce
Eibon - Ineffable Prodigious Odyssey
Exuberance - Darkness Arise
Flesh Disgorged - Rejected To Self Mutilation
Graycode - Cranium
Green Legs And Spam - Tales From The Mrt Cabinet
Imbeciles - Mass Holocaust
Impiety - Paramount Evil
Istidraj / Luger Split - Conqueror of Syonan-To
Kiyamat - Prepare For War
Nafrat - Invoking The Masses
Narasimha - Narasimha
Nerraka - Arise From Hell
Raspatul - Menghitung Ajal
Rudra - Kurukshetra
State Of Decay - Demo
Suicidal - Vengeance , Blasphemic Existance
Shoe Size Nine - Best Foot Forward
For The Kids - 4 Way Split : Never 2 Late / Crooked Tooth / Filling Up The Space / Underedge
The Arcane Art of Defiance - Vol 1
Gods Of Metal - Disc 1 And Disc 2
Rock Concert Heroes - 20 Miles To Wannaroo
Under No Boundaries - Singapore Crust/Grind/Punk Compilation
Urban Karma - Musica Intifada (im not sure of the title)
Unity Of Aggression - Local Metal/Metalcore Compilation
Concave Scream - s/t
Concave Scream - Three
Concave Scream - Horizons
Impiety - Skullf**king Armageddon
Impiety - Kaos Kommand 696
Boredphucks - Banned in da Singapura

Looking for Concave Scream's Erratic. Anyone letting go PM me please!

Not many local bands...but I have lots of Malaysian band CDs though...
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
12 Storeys OST
B-Quartet: The Smitten Bard
Sound Alchemy: Yin Fa (Mand)
La Dies: Spiritual (Mand)
Humpback Oak: Pain Stained Morning
Kopi Kat Klan: Why U So Like Dat?
Boredphucks: Banned in da Singapura
The Suns: 2:20
Sugarflies: And that's why
L'eau: Equatorial (Club Ecstasy's Leonard Tan with ex gf Jamie Yeo on vox)
Dream On Compilation (LGF contributed 1 track)
LGF CD Single (Mand)
Force Vomit: Give it up for the Trustfund Rockers
Force Vomit: The Furniture goes up
Oddfellows: So Happy single
BigO Singles 1 - 5
BigO Live at the Green Room Sessions
Tim Label's Left of the Dial Compilation
No Excuses Compilation
The Trailers
CDs on loan, mostly from Ken, abt time I shd return these
The Pagans: Stereokineticspiraldreams
Lion City Hardcore
Daze: Sexy Little Boy

Cassettes A real tragedy, cos I threw most of my stuff away :(
Force Vomit: Conspiracy A GoGo
Fuzzbox: Zero Tondo
Wide Expanse of Sound Compilation (123 Records: Done by the guys who did the very first website on local music Underground Xchange)

Countless other MP3s from Joe Ng's blog and other misc sources. :)

Sharing still illegal?

No 'For Good!' comp?

Bro rottenramone bro, you hear that sound?

Yes.... it's the sound of my heart breaking.
sycododo said:
I've got...
less than 10.
*bangs head*

1. Electrico - Hip City
2. The Suns - 2.20
3. For Good!

and I'm still on my way to buy:
wgb, electrico's 1st, Rancour, Furniture.

Actually, furniture is a Malaysian act but same same, just slightly different.
AEnimic said:
u are ONE dodgy person!!
hold for $2?! nvm...but if u wanna sell it,PM me anytime!

and Fuzzbox? actually what type of music do they play?

I dun thk you'd wanna buy it anyway... It's an autographed copy lah...

I heard that they played grunge lah.
OMG! REALLY?! GRUNGE?! ARGHH!!! please please...anyone,pass me a track or me first if u have it!!! :(
ZERO :cry:

where can i find the cds
i was hoping to get some if somebody could tell me how the SOFT online store works???
B-Quartet: The Smitten Bard
Electrico: So Much More Inside
Electrico: Hip City
The Suns: 2:20
The Boredphucks: Banned in da Singapura
Concave Scream: Horizons
Concave Scream: Erratic
Rudra: The Aryan Crusade
Aphelion: Within The Woods
Firebrands: First The Flash Then The Pulse
Mizery Free: Listen
Chou Pi Jiang: In The Voice Of Chou Pi Jiang (Mand)
Chou Pi Jiang: Chou Pi Jiang EP (Mand)
La Dies: Spiritual single (Mand)
Dream On Compilation (LGF contributed 1 track)
LGF CD Single (Mand)
Myx Metal Assault 1
Opposition Party: Ver 1.0 EP
Opposition Party: Zombified
Impeity: Kaos Kommand 696

And The Lizards Convention's track "Wooden Heart" on some pop compilation CD I bought from pasar malam when I was in Sec School :P
Re: ..

AgingYouth said:
No 'For Good!' comp?

Bro rottenramone bro, you hear that sound?

Yes.... it's the sound of my heart breaking.

Bro agingyouth bro, i sold that CD to another Dodgy Character for $1.99!!!
B-Quartet: The Smitten Bard
Electrico: So Much More Inside
Electrico: Hip City
Astreal: Projektion
Astreal: Fragments Of The Same Dead Star
Lunarin: The Chrysalis
Documentary In Amber: Self Titled EP
The Observatory: Both Albums
A Vacant Affair: Self Titled EP
Plain Sunset: The Gift
The Leaven Trait: Self Titled EP
For Good: English Bands Compilation
Chou Pi Jiang: In The Voice Of Chou Pi Jiang (Mand)
Chou Pi Jiang: Self Titled EP (Mand)
Heaven & Earth(Tian Di Hui): Self Titled EP (Mand)
Hysteria: Hallucination (Mand)
Give Me Rock Fever: Chinese Rock Bands Compilation (Mand)
Po Yan Shi Po Yan Shi: Chinese Rock Bands Compilation (Mand)
Sound Detour: Chinese Rock Bands Compilation (Mand)
George Chua

These are some of the local CDs I can think of now...There are some which I think I have left out coz I can't remember the CD titles.

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