How many local cds do you own?


New member
I haven't really counted, but I think I should have around 20-30 local cds =)
If we really wanna support local bands, we should buy their cds besides checking out gigs.

Instead of the next Trivium or U2 album you gona buy, why not spend your money on a local cd?

What are some albums you guys have?
mine include

astreal- oujiablush, fragment of same dead star, projection ep
the suns- 2.20
morphy-pink ashes
sugarflies- Q:A
concave scream-horizon and three
circadian- both EP
the jhai alai
camra- normally open
len- its beautiful ep
clinton carnegie- santiago plus the first one
The Observatory- Both album
leslie low- worm, volcanoes
Lunarin- chrysalis, 2 trks sampler, little pieces ep
Documentary in amber
aspiditra fly-the ghost of things
we the divers- and the ancient mariner
george chua
enginnered beautiful blood- children play in sunny fields
Evan tan- from coast to coast
electrico- both album
the pagans-stereokineticspiraldreams
ecrus garage-oceans
jogn- voluminous landscapes
humpback oak- ghostfather
muon-influght, TDOC
serenaide- the other end of reveiver
opposition party- ep ver 1.0
b-quartet-the smitten bard
disko bisquit-studio's everywhere ep
lilac saints- wake
12 storey- ost
force vomit- the furniture goes up
myx metal assault 1&2
unde_raged- not under_aged
livonia- zerofeel, triplegrandesskinnylatte
compilations- live at the green room, here come the young ones, flush after use, legion of the dark, for good, wallwork is awake, no execuse for sexism
If i include all the albums, singles and EPs, both CDRs or professionally pressed...ranging from metal to ska to pop rock...

83 local releases

Am pretty sure am missing some titles...
One of the few things I am proud of...[/b]
i have...

Aphelion - Within The Woods
Enorhted - Panegyric To The Iniquitous
Rudra - Brahmavidya:Primordial I
Livonia - TripleGrandeSkinnyLatte (won from some radio-show contest yrs back...)
JoshuaG said:
If i include all the albums, singles and EPs, both CDRs or professionally pressed...ranging from metal to ska to pop rock...

83 local releases

Am pretty sure am missing some titles...
One of the few things I am proud of...[/b]


If i include all the albums, singles and EPs, both CDRs or professionally pressed...ranging from metal to ska to pop rock...

serenaide - at the other end of the receiver
stoned revivals - golden love songs from the evil island of the handsome tropical cannibals
electrico - so much more inside

only 3 liao..
Ronin Do Or Die
Lunarin's The Chrysalis
Lunarin's Little Pieces EP

hmm guess thats all...might be missing some..
Stompin Ground, Ossuary, Dancing Nancies, Urbankarma, 69, Myx Metal Assault 1, Child in Time, White Eagle, Jaliboy.....maybe a few more.
Sadly, only 2.

The For Good! compilation, as well as aTanya Chua album I got from cash converters.

In my own defence though, I don't buy a lot of albums. Mostly only when they're on sale.
Interestingly, this is a forum where so many people love to bitch about how there are so little support for the local arts and music scene.

And only 3 people who replied has anything more than 10 local albums.

What fucken gives man?

A Vacant Affair - A Vacant Affair EP
B-Quartet - The Smitten Bard EP
Electrico - Hip City
Pug Jelly - Pug Jelly EP
Siva Choy - "Why U So Like That?": The CD
Surreal - Fingerpointing EP
Syawla Evol - Syawla Evol
various - the3lettersessions.b
Vertical Rush - Songs For The Girls We Never Dated
Vertical Rush - The Charlie EP
West Grand Boulevard - Waiting For You
clothespeg - morbid singing oyster
graycode - *cant remember*
the padres - *cant remember..but got Nov 91 in it*
ecrus garage - err...cant remember..but the first song is Rising
the mother - eee..dont remember again
OP -
silverspy -
still -
sweet empty - alone again
succumuscus -

flush after use
stompin ground - measured by the richter scale
boredphucks - hmm...dont remember wat title..but only got 4 songs
myx metal assault 1
plain sunset - first 2 albums
the jhai alai
kindred - some split album with another band that starts with the letter T...
my precious -
october dagger -

xsecret sevenx

my memory sucks goats' balls! :oops:
think got a couple more...but just cant recall.
collected a bunch of live gigs cassette recordings as well..but i think all mouldy already :cry:
Axed Ministers - End the Silence (Singapore's best heavy metal group)
Global Chaos - The Art of Listening
Stomping Ground -
Aphelion - Within the Woods (love these guys)
Concave Scream - Self Titled (Pann with Arron Kwok hairstyle!)
Concave Scream - Erratic (this one's a classic)
Concave Scream - Horizons
SixtyNine - About Time
Boredphucks - Revolution 69
Boredphucks - Banned In Da Singapura (Justin once told me they wanted initially to print an asshole on the CD and put some melted chocolate at the "hole" in the middle of the CD! Hilarious!)
The Suns - 2.20
Chou Pi Jiang - Self Titled
Sideshow Judy -
B-Quartet - The Smitten Bard (with all 5 autographs!)
B-Quartet - Live @ Get Off That Thang! (limited edition!)
Ugly in the Morning - Self Titled
Padres - Night
Ronin - Do or Die
Children of the Damned (compilation)
Flush After Use (compilation)
The Observatory - Time of Rebirth
The Observatory - Blank Walls
Opposition Party - EP Version 1.0
The Embryo - Token 2
Lunarin - The Chrysalis (with all 3 autographs!)
Lunarin - 2 Track Sampler
Lunarin - Live @ Baybeats 2005 (limited edition! hehe!)
Bushmen - Rise Up
Plug and Play (compilation)
For Goooooot!!! (compilation)
Firebrands - First the Flash, then the Pulse
Urban Karma - Disenchanted, Alienated and Anomic
Zero Sequence - Personality Number 9 (this one I have more than 500!)

The rest are "bootlegs" in mp3s. I am too ashamed of myself to name them...

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