How do you manage music when you're in NS?


New member
Currently in BMT, and yesterday had a jam with band. Man it suck balls lol. Rusty.

Forgotten lotsa sequence :S

How do you all manage when you're in your NS?
back when i was enlisted, the rest of my bandmates were serving NS around the same time. so we mutually understand why we're tired in some weekends or stuff, you know.

it sucks sometimes cos we have to forego some gig offers and competitions because one of us is attached to the government.

well whatever it is, it's best once you guys are done with bmt, then you go on a weekly or forthnightly jamming sessions. everyone has a part on it too. NS can be a band killer if you guys don't stick together. i've seen bands come and go just because of this. if anything was to test the passion for music of one band, it would be NS (next would be gfs and stuff.) :D
hi Newbie,

NS will be the most trying time musically, due to the simple reason that the govt wants to take away ALL your time to serve a set of ideals you most likely don't buy into. Thus it will be no wonder you would get rusty, as jamming and practice time will be cut down drastically.

I suggest you take down notes on each song your band wants to jam before hand? it doesn't have to be in standard notation (i.e. Piano Taogeys), but could be a set of lyrics with markings on when you come in, any solos, stop and start again etc. This i feel will greatly help your ability to memorise parts and sequences to songs.

It'll save you the trouble struggling to remember after a week of being cursed at, "knock-it-downs", and other random acts you'll prob not allow yourself to go through were you not wearing green.

So, i don't know any advice on how you can have more practice time, but hopefully this will help you and your band have a more effective jam session. Skills will no doubt get rusty, but should you memorise the parts, who knows? maybe your songs would sound better stripped down!


i just bring my stuff inside my bunk n jam with myself


so i wouldnt get rusty

then fri nite go jamming...

then sat ,sun spent time with family...

usually like that one...
NS is a test indeed. If you can survive through that, your band can survive through anything.

Girlfriends can wait. Band comes first.
haha, my camp knows what im outside. Who knows, they need some bands for some Cohesion day. HAHAH! Will update. HAHAH!
i'm currently PES C!! haha. still got some time to slack around, write a few songs. although i wish they post me out faster. then don't need to waste more time in camp. ever since i OOC in july i've been sitting around doing nothing... wasting my time and skill away...
I don't think NS is a problem haha I'll be going out to sea for 13 months straight , i really wonder how i'm gonna manage music then
depends on what sort of job u doing in NS. slack job = no problem for music. Chiong Sua like Infantry, Commandos, etc music confirm die

are you a castrato? I'm C2-L2, if I need to I can get my orthopaedic surgeon to write letter get L9, see how first. My singer E1-L9, some neural problem. Asshole, he seems perfectly fine to me.