How do you deal with annoying friends?

Do the super secret technique on them- thousand years of pain. muahaha. i can confirm with you that they wont piss you off after you do that. heh. jokes aside, why not just try to ignore them? cause they are most probably jealous of your guitar.
Save up all your sperm, mix it with water and then treat them to some delicious 'barley water' the next they come by and disturb you.

BTW, how old are you again?
Well, another way to deal with them is to take off your shorts/pants/bermudas/whatever when they see you playing the guitar and telling you to sell it. That'll make them talk about something else.

Play Something they detest over and over again.... Hmm, how bout a barney riff or the EVER INFAMOUS Smoke on the water Intro Over and Over Again until they damn fed up....

Or Play something nice, entice them to like the guitar

If they want touch the guitar say this...

I play I fine, You touch you Buy
(as in ruin the awesomeness with their unworthy hands)

Alternatively Facepalm..
Simple! just find something about them to insult them back. like, example, them wearing nike shoes but they arent runners.
yeap...just play along...sarcastically...
if u fight back, they'll tease u more.

just like how my nerdy geek fren always likes to talk bad bout mac in front of me, n say how he can get a much more powerful system w the same price...
n i'll just go
"yeah, microsoft the best, u use vista, u're the coolest dude" *claps claps*
Yah!!! I've heard this line of complaints many times before! So annoying!

yeap...just play along...sarcastically...
if u fight back, they'll tease u more.

just like how my nerdy geek fren always likes to talk bad bout mac in front of me, n say how he can get a much more powerful system w the same price...
n i'll just go
"yeah, microsoft the best, u use vista, u're the coolest dude" *claps claps*

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