how do u lug around ur heavy pedalboard?


New member
hey people,
i would appreciate if u could share some opinions on this..

i just got my board set up..

heres the list:
korg pitchblack
crybaby gcb95
boss ge7
boss ds1
boss gp20
boss dc3
boss dd3
line6 dl4

i arrange all this on a pt2 sc..

this board is pretty much essential in my jamming sessions..
but it is very,very heavy to carry it with my guitar..

so,how do u normally bring ur gears to jam?
do u guys have wheels on ur pedalcase?
or do u guys put ur pedalcase on a trolley or something?

enlighten me..
This might help lighten your weight.


Option 2:
for extreme measure, you can use this. $1 rental fee


Either that or you find some groupies to carry it for you
My kids uses option 1 for school with great success. darn those bags are blardy heavy nowadays! It's like a bag of bricks!
It's not too pricey. Some I.T shows give them out for free when you make purchases on certain brands.

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This might help lighten your weight.


Option 2:
for extreme measure, you can use this. $1 rental fee


Either that or you find some groupies to carry it for you
My kids uses option 1 for school with great success. darn those bags are blardy heavy nowadays! It's like a bag of bricks!
It's not too pricey. Some I.T shows give them out for free when you make purchases on certain brands.


i use option 1 sometimes.
with some ropes to secure the bag onto the trolley..
but it still suck when i have to go down the stairs..
i would still have to carry it..

cab can be an alternative, but,
we all wouldnt wanna spend on cab after spending money
on jamming sessions..

anyone here uses a pedalcase with wheels?
I just don't use a Pedaltrain.

If I don't need to move heavy essentials, I don't need to move heavy essentials. Make the essentials light. Had enough of heavy bullshit from army.

Guitar is another story. Heavier the better =] bad for shoulders thought...
im using a pt-2 and it's damn heavy...

so tis wat i do :

Take those pedals ( with battery inside ), patch cable to the jamming.

I only bring the whole PT-2 to jamming when it's like few jamming before gigs. =D
yup.. +1 to downsizing. Had a PT Jr, then i bought a PT2, then i realized its gonna be damn big and heavy, so i stuck with my PT Jr. After a while i felt it was still pretty bulky so now im using a mini:D
1. Get a car license.
2. Borrow Dad's car.
3. Drive yourself to the studio with your equipments.