How do u guys improvise a song


New member
hi guys,

just wanna ask hmm... there are probably many fav classics or modern songs that we like. i'm into fingerstyling. its almost impossible to LEARN all songs from their original tabs. during performances in events etc, pp are improvising songs quite frequently and they sounds good. how do u guys go about doing this? say acoustic songs. depends on individual feel or are there any systematic studies on this? dont think so rite?
Basically what I do is to play around with the "theme" of the song. This includes, but not restricted to changing picking style at every verse if I'm doing rhythm or messing around a scale if it's a solo. Usually, most of the so called on the spot improvisation are what I play when I'm messing around with the guitar at home.

As for what you asked, I think it would be sufficient to learn the chord progression and then work out different variations in picking styles to play it.
Just hantum lor. It'll sound better if you have long time experience with your guitar and you know what sounds good.

Or just learn scales and shit.