How do I run two amplifiers simultaneously?


New member
Hello I play in a 3 piece band, I want to use 2 amplifiers at once so the band would sound more full. Anyone know how to run 2 amplifiers simultaneously? I read online a Y cable with 2 female ends and 1 male end should do the trick. Anyone know where I can get Y cables in Singapore?
I also read about ABY switches but I don't need to switch amplifiers so I think an ABY switch is redundant and will cause a loss of tone.
some aby box is not only to switch loop for amp 1 and 2 (or both amps) but as well as ground lift and also phase correction to prevent signal degradation of the split guitar signal to 2 amps.

The loss of tone technically will be corrected through a proper active aby box. The method you are thinking of doing, aka the y cable, is actually the one be losing the signal integrity, which doesnt take into consideration of ground loops (from both amps) and phase issue of the split signal.

Still, if not wanna those aby box for the correct way to do it. A y cable can be easily diy or look for the shops with guitar tech and get them to wire one.
I see, any idea where I can get an active aby box? cause I lent from a friend his ABY box and it is passive, no battery required. And when I on my delay, it was really loud. and my overdrive was really soft.
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ALright I will try this pedal, in summary I just wanna on both amps simultaneously and not have my tone be affected, cause I was really down as the tone drop was obvious on the cheap aby switch, my sound was much better when I used one amplifier. My analog delay was the first pedal and when I on it was super loud, and when I on my ocd alone which was my next pedal it was really soft, but when I on both at the same time it was as loud as the delay. Then when I switched to clean it was soft. It was a really cheap aby switch. it was around $40. I hope this radial will be good
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I thought of ordering this Y cable, it costs really expensive. If this works then why not? Cause I dont need to switch between amplifiers, just wanna have the surround sound of using two amplifiers since I am the only guitarist.
But I read online that the best way is a really aby switch, and the radia has a lot of good reviews
the cable in the pic can be diyed easily less than 20sgd with cheapo parts from simlim tower.

But if you wanna do it right first time and saving time to play music (instead of troubleshooting all the signal loss), then go with the radial. Theres reason why they sell those thing and for the purpose of dual amping.
Another option which would be somewhat in the middle ground of a cheap Y cable and a radial splitter could the versatile Boss LS-2

I dont think that pedal has isolating transformers to completely prevent ground loops from occuring when the signal is split but at the very least it provides buffered inputs and outputs.

Your situation with the pedals affecting volumes, especially with delay increasing the volume, sounds like a impedance mismatch problem to me, perhaps using this pedal with buffered inputs and outputs could solve your problem as it should keep the signal coming out from the spitter consistenly low impedance
I play through one, two, or three amps...even four at times. I prefer three amps. I usually split the signal with stereo effects pedals. I had an A/B box but I don't think I needed it as I prefer having some amps run some effects and other amps run other effects. This way you can get a really fat sound without it sounding too wet with effects. Another advantage to having two or more amps is an extended harmonic range. I set the amps right at the break up point. When I hit a boost or drive pedal they distort, sustain, and decay differently. It creates a huge harmonic field. Here is an example where I use three amps. The effects kick in at the final passage of the song. I used a cheap Boss digital delay, dynacomp, and dod analog chorus. All distortion is from the vintage amps. At the beginning of the song the amps are set right at breakup. The dynacomp pushes the front end in the final passage.