How About An Extreme Makeover?


New member
SOFT's look and feel, IMO, is very jaded. How about moving on to a new template?

Sorry, but I'm a sucker for modernism.

YES YES. Revamp the whole site. And I know it's gonna take some time to see that happen.

However, let me just chip in my 2cents worth of thought:

1. Change the S.O.F.T. logo. Something more garang la.. haha
2. Create a more rustic look to potray how mature SOFT has become over the years.. Maybe bronze, dark brown color?

That's all. Talk too much later pple shoot me down. :lol:
hey, i am always open to suggestions. you guys can come up with a mockup and if i like it, i will use it. :wink:
Layout is a default template... Fine for me too..

This definitely would be nice to have a change...
any kick ass designer wanna do a award-winning logo for SOFT? must be award-winning ok. :lol:
No, don't use black.
I personally like black, but it's a nono for SOFT. Makes it look cheap.
soft said:
any kick ass designer wanna do a award-winning logo for SOFT? must be award-winning ok. :lol:

You have any concepts in your mind? If so, PM me...


I think if the site needs an overhaul, there's alot to be research and done...