Hope to improve our MUSIC SCENE!!


New member
Hi all Softie,
I know there's a rage recently about pay to play gig..And myself is also hating something like this.
Im from a band .We play our previous gig and not selling most of the tixs,get to fork out ourself quite a sum to cover the tix payment,so that we don't give a hard time for Organiser..And Also don't like to see bands paying themselve for the tix payment.in this current scene,Its not that they're not good,( is because they can't sell tixs for god sake)

What i wanted now is to ask,if anyone can provide any sponsership to hold gigs and let all the band play for free,and if the outcome of the gig is good and earn some Profit.i as a organiser will pay all the band who try their best to entertain the crowds..and i personally will fork out cash to do the advertising and poster etc..Of cox,honestly speaking also hope can earn some to cover the advertising,printing costs..because my monthly salary also not 5-6k lol..!
Hope for the best in our SG music scene!!!Give all artists a chances to perform!
Pls..someone pls assist me to it..so i can make this come true!!
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Give all artists a chances to perform!

A dangerous view, if you're not good enough to play, you shouldn't actually be performing. I believe that if you are good enough and have DONE YOUR HOMEWORK, you should have no problems selling 20 tickets. If your band has 4 people, you just need to sell 5 tickets PER PERSON. How hard can that be? If even your friends think you can't play well enough to ENTERTAIN THEM, maybe you should consider practicing harder.

Instead of blindly promoting, you should make sure people who get to actually perform are GOOD. You seem to be in favour of making performing a RIGHT and not a PRIVILEGE that it is. Please remember that if you saturate the scene with sub-standard music, you are destroying it. Make sure who you are promoting has the chops to handle the stage.

Sorry for being harsh but I am getting tired of everyone trying to get to play in gigs without actually putting in the pre-requisite effort.

I forgot to add:
If you even wish to get anywhere, your linguistic capabilities need some work. You need to be able to type fluently with a good command of the language you are typing in. How do even expect to produce a press kit of an acceptable standard if your language comes across and sloppy and unmotivated?
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If even your friends think you can't play well enough to ENTERTAIN THEM, maybe you should consider practicing harder.


Please remember that if you saturate the scene with sub-standard music, you are destroying it. Make sure who you are promoting has the chops to handle the stage

I can't help but agree to this. Harsh as his reply may be but these are just some hard truths that no one can and should ignore.
sorry for the discomfort of this post to some of you.
ok..For 1st few times of your performances,there will be some of your frenz coming to watch you.but let say 1 month if you have 2 or 3 performances.dun expect to ask them down for every show of yours right..?Let say if 3 of your band members don't really have much frenz..in the end,you will also need to top up the outstanding payment..
For me,i think if you done enough of homework,bands should deserve this chance to perform and get paid instead of force to selling tix and and get no profit at all..
maybe i should say that bands will be selected to perform instead of ALL artists..im sorry for that..
But really,in sg scene, is it all about selling tix to your frenz only??
In this case,you can be in sale-line to sell tixs,instead of performing..

Im just trying to do something for the music scenes..
I agree as well with EngelFaeuste and THOA. But it is also clear that you are very sincere, as you are willing to offer funds out of your own pocket for advertising costs and if I didn't misunderstand, payment to the performing bands.

You should take what Engelfaeuste said seriously. If you are going to initially invest in something which truthfully has no guaranteed return, you would do well to sift out the 'good but unable to sell tix' bands from the horrible sounding bands who do nothing but complain about the lack of a good platform.

Maybe you should think 'Give all deserving artists a chance to perform' instead.

Oh and EngelFaeuste you probably haven't met GUYrence then, if you are complaining about the TS' command of english. Not that he's a bad guy, it's just that his linguistic skills are rather.. entertaining.:lol:

TS I wish you all the best. If you are thinking of organising maybe you could contact ShyamRaj (look up his recent thread) and work something out with him.

Guyrence is a gig organizer/promoter, so I guess he does not need the command of english with which to organize a PR campaign that a band needs to have. A band needs to be able to communicate their thoughts and have people take them seriously. I won't actually take the effort to find out more about a band who cannot promote themselves in a professional way.


Why not record some of your band's work or something? Give people an idea of how you guys sound like? I'm sure you might just be able to get some gig organizer to invite you guys to play if you're good enough!

*spellcheck* It's sponsOrship.
Pls kindly be more gentle on your words can..
firstly.i wanted to start this out as a organizer and not to promote my band..~

And thanks a lot for the info..
My band is doing recording now..

anyways thanks for all the replies..will note!
If finding sponsorships were as easy as typing from your comfort zone, then every band in the world would have a sponsor. Sry for the harsh remark man.

Relative to the topic, try looking out of sponsors instead for sponsors looking for you. When i said looking out for sponsors, i do not mean posting on soft and waiting. I mean real searching, emailing and stuff.

Your intentions are good. Good luck man!!
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gig on its own doesn't make sense to me, i'd rather have a gig as part of something bigger. where the gig actually supports the event taking place.

anyway as to ways to improve the scene: sexy rock chicks.
wooo..ppl at soft is so harsh on words..
will take note...know this starhub Roadshow Dept staff..
And he was tell me of some road show event they were to organize..
Had ask him about holding band performance over there..and he actually agrees,but need to ask for higher authorities..~
So i will wait for his reply and see how..
soft is not harsh on words. sheltered kids with big dreams need to take constructive criticism and start looking at the big picture.

From your replies, the motive of this post is to get Sponsors.
Thanks for the replies..Will look into this..
No contacts of any sponsership??

1. If the band have played a few times and yet still can't garner enough fans to buy their tickets other than their friends who will not even wanna support them, they've gotta relook deep inside themselves and what they're capable of. Are they even GIG READY yet?

2. Too many young bands out there who can't even tune their instruments properly and can't sing in pitch are just dying to play gigs. Do some serious woodshed before coming out to kill the scene with their bad rendition of music. It is poor musicianship, songcraft(noticed that a lot of bands these days sounds the same) and most of the time for me bad vocals that puts me off.

If its gonna turn me off as someone loves local music, just imagine what it would do to apathetic non local music fans?

...as a organiser will pay all the band who try their best to entertain the crowds..
What are the criterias for bands who have tried their best? Its all subjective. Take subjectivity out of planning and rewarding. It'll save you a whole lotta bad rep and vibes in future.
Sponsor need to gain crowd and improve their own business.Reputation is very important too. Sponsor will not throw money just like that for you. Some newbies could not understand this,especially they do not come from any performing background. Even your skill is superb and entertaining, you don't deal with business people properly, no one can support you.

You can bring in business through you performance, I am sure you will not lack of sponsors.
hahaha if u think the here at soft are nasty n harsh wait'll u deal w the ripoff merchants and total assholes outside hahaha

we is only preparin u for the terrible world outside that awaits you ok noobz???? hahahahah
to bands: record a demo, give to organizers, then wait for organizers reply.

to organizers: if band got releases, then if you think the band is good enough for your show, then call them up.

to both: in this way, while the band is playing, they can promote their releases. and the organizers can also gain some profits from the CDs that fans bought.

My humble opinion on this matter is that, from what I've seen this past few months, lots of gigs have been going on which is great but when it comes to asking the band whether I can purchase their CD, 90% of them said they didn't even have a demo out yet. How can this be? I remembered back on those days, gigs were held and most of the bands have something to offer to the fans. Organizers these days tends to organise a gig / show / concert by calling up or taking on bands who doesn't even have something to offer to the fans. This is to me a disappointment. Anyway, this is just my opinion. You can have yours. Peace.
Thats life, survival of the fittest.
Obviously some bands have not reached the stage(pardon my pun,unintentional) where they are doing the audience a service by playing for them.

If young bands are not good enough, I dont see why they shouldn't pay.
That is just the way things in this country work. Though it seems to be cruel, it is sort of working right?
If wanna earn through gig, play Jazz.....:mrgreen:
Seriously, this genre attract people who are able and willing to pay.

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