Hey guys Nigel needs our support!

Hey guys and girls! I was there and I must say it's very impressive! You've got tons of cymbals to try, 4 kits to try on and lots of accessories to inspect! There's also Diana Krall singing for you through a flat-screen LCD TV! Fully furnished and air-conditioned! Check it out and soak in the whole drum filled environment!

Daniel :)
Great place. I went down, had a good talk with Nigel. Left with quite a bit of stuff, as well. Ha.

Do show your love for the man. He's done so much for the drumming community in Singapore, and refuses to back down even in times of adversity.

And seriously, it's not that much of a walk to his place. And it's so NOT inconvenient.
once my exams are over i will definitely find some time to go over man. i would like to check that place out
Did nigel say when he's moving? I'd like to check out the place before I go...I've been to excelsior twice, the first time DRMP wasn't open, and the second it was moving out...Couldn't really get a chance to drop by previously because of the location.
He's still sourcing for a new location, I think. He didn't tell me when exactly he's moving. Do head down! I gonna head down and buy more stuff.
Ive been down quite a couple of times, and i got quite a couple of stuffs from him so far, from my threedrumsticks, to my earphones (ultimate ears) to my Istanbul China cymbal.

Really good stuff and service i must say. Be sure to check out the Axis double pedals long board version, for all you heel-toe fanatics out there ;)

I must say, although it isnt really in the best of locations (in a warehouse), but once you enter the shop you will find that it is really very nicely furbished and well renovated, contrary to the outlook of the warehouse on the outside. Makes you want to just stay in the shop for eternity ;)

Yup... Do go down and take a look, Nigel is a nice and approchable person, who will let you try anything you want in the show room (including the Axis pedals with the $2,000 price tag to it)
Yeah, his shop is just 15 mins walk from Tiong Bahru MRT station, just walk down Jalan Membina and walk over to Lower Delta Road, turn into the smaller road and enter the buidling by the back gate. Don't even have to take a bus.. haha!

yea guys, i just went there last weekend to check out the Black panther snares
when i got there, i couldnt leave the place
its a great place for drummers, i mean, i see why its location is making people think twice to go, but its worth the journey, trust me you wouldnt wanna leave the place.

i stayed there for almost 2 hours just chatting with nigel and trying out a bunch of the stuff there and i ended up wrapping the Birdseye maple BP after trying it for so long, and im loving every bit of it.

definitely worth going if you really love drumming
Yes yes yes! Once I entered "drum paradise", I was so reluctant to leave! Just wanted to soak in the energy of the copius amounts of maple woods, cymbals and hardware in that place! Everybody please go if you can, it is worth the trip!!! :)
You should organize soft drummer outings to visit Nigel at Drum resource!

Maybe get some drummers (local) to hold clinic or what and then drag people down there

People can be so lazy really.
Hey!!! That sounds like a great idea!!!! Nigel, you there??? Wanna have a drum jam or something happening???
Nigel in hospital

Just went to his new shop at 10, Haji Lane yesterday. Nigel is hospitalised because of a heart valve operation. He's still recovering and not able to tend to the shop but his kind wife helped my student and me out. My student ended up buying a 2nd hand Pearl Forum kit which i wanted. Good price. The shop is small but his stuff is still a lot. Wide range of drum stuff to view and choose. Hope he's doing alright. God bless his soul.
Haji Lane? Now, that's a short walk from Bugis MRT. Gonna check it out soon. :)

Hey Nigel, get well soon. God bless.
went just now to buy a knee e pad, saw his kids and wife Rachael, very friendly indeed =)

explained to me the differents between the the different knee strapped practice pad and let me tried all of them patienty. Current they are only open on certain days, can sms them to enquire bout that if keen on getting an stuff from there =)
How do i go to his shop? (i'm abit blur in directions)..

Here ya go.


MAP + Directions from Bugis MRT

Another source:


It is simple to locate the lane. If you come by TRAIN, the nearest would be Bugis. Just a few minutes of walk and you are there.
If you come by BUS, below is the list of bus available nearby Haji Lane:
2 7 12 32 33 51 63 80 130 133 145 175 197
100 107 107M
2N 4N 7N 48
