Help the Burmese People Receive Aid in Cyclone Aftermath

The lame thing was, the Burmese government prevented aid from coming in earlier.

Done, btw.

that is what we are trying to acheive now. trying to get aids from Myanmar Embassies around and also the UN :)
thanks for your support jeepers.
if the junta can place their rightful prime minister under house arrest, an online petition won't do much.
the monks should fight back with some crazy martial arts. that'll show 'em.

edit: rambo needs to get out of his redneck farm
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are struggling to reach the Burmese people because the corrupt and brutal military junta fails to process visas and open its borders for aid, it makes us mad.

i doubt the the Burmese govt will respond to this petition even if everyone in this world has their signauture on it.
granted that the myanmar govt are run by a bunch of soldiers and are highly unpopular, i doubt they were denying visas for political reasons. a more viable reason would be the fact that the military govt has isolated themselves in the mountains and their fax machine was down.

and although its a nice gesture, i don't think there's a need for a petition for the country to see cos myanmar does not have internet access.

our burmese friends from soft: hope all is ok with your family and friends in myanmar.
patagin kung sila gumawa hindi mag-ulat sa ang humiling , ito ay alright. sapagka't ako malaman atipan ng pawid ako gumawa akin mahati.

Since they rejected Aid from the US, I don't think there's anything the UN can really do, least another conflict arises.

But I'm really wondering what they're up to, don't they care about their people's lives?