help on strings!!!


New member
hello. a noob to floyd rose here. can i use a normal string for a floyd rose bridge? let sae ernie ball slinky? and anyone with sites to recommend with videos on how to change strings on a floyd rose?
There was a post by Shredcow some time ago on changing strings on a floyd rose... Do a search

Or wait for the guru himself to appear :lol:
or in some cases, u can be lazy and string the ball end thru the tuners :D then cut off the other end to be attached to the saddles/clamps on the floyd, not too knowledgeable abt floyds, but thats what me bro does 8)
Sorry about that, hit the wrong key.

There are different sorts of tremolo systems - Khaler, Fender, Floyd Rose and some others. Some are easier to set and stay in tune than others. Locking tend to be better.

If you are not familiar with how to do it yourself, get someone to help you the first time - either a friend or a tech as when set up badly, they will just not perform properly or stay in tune. Also is is easier to uinderstand when someone is doing it in front of you. Much better than an written explanation or pictures on the web.

Maybe something to consider at the next meeting - some demos on basic guitar setups.


Well mudmechanic... I did a floyd rose restringing at the last SOFT session... I don't mind doing it again if someone sponsors strings! :)

Anyway, 1 more thing to add to mudmechanic's post... there are different types of trems as he explained.. another difference would be how extreme the trem is made to be. Floyd Rose trems are made for extreme trem work.. dive bomb till your strings go totally slack, or pull up 3 - 4 tones. If its a good FR trem, it'll stay in tune well. Other trems, Vintage, Wilkinson and so on... they are usually for the not so extreme... not to say they can't do it but they are not as suited for it as per the locking FR system.
Well I don't think you can ask for more than that.

Maybe bring the guitar down to the next meet and get it sorted out.

