I would recommend your audio interface to also include midi in and out since you have a keyboard hooked up. Good interfaces with few audio in-outs and midi include Echo MiaMidi and M-audio's Audiophile 2496. I don't use M-audio's audio interfaces so cannot commend, but most reviews are good although some had problems mainly with certain softsamplers - if you're using just for audio and midi, shouldn't have any problems. I've been using Echo products for a while. My experience is that they are very stable with very low latency.
For speakers, better to get monitor speakers, not Hifi. I'll let others commend more on this one.
One thing you'll need for your PC - for audio recording, make sure:
1. Your recording goes into a dedicated hard-dirve- ie you will need 2 hard-drives - one running Windows and Applications and the other just for recording. Should be at least 7200rpm. Otherwise you may get pops and clicks if you start to mix multiple tracks.
2. Your PC should be dedicated for recording and nothing else. Of course, most people can't afford to have 2 PCs. So a cheaper alternative is to dual-boot your PC. Easiest way is to get 2 copies of Windows (one Home and one Pro) - installing the second one will automatically give you the option to dual-boot. Another way is to get Partition Magic. One Windows should be used for your daily things - internet, word-processing, etc. The other Windows is only for recording and nothing else - no internet, no other programs. Otherwise your CPU will be taxed and you don't want that on your DAW - particularly when you are mixing tracks, adding reverb plug-ins etc. There are a number of threads already posted on optimising your PC. Do a search.
In a home recording setup, the most important things I would put on top of my list of priority are (in order): 1. Audio interface, 2. DAW setup (2 HD, lots of RAM - min 512MB, dedicated machine, optimised etc), 3. recording software, 4. other stuffs like monitor speakers and cables. For example, no point having great monitor speakers but bad audio interface - gives bad recording; no point having good software but bad DAW - also give bad recording. So put your money on your audio interface and getting your PC optimised.