Help in buying first electic guitar


New member
Hey all. I just started playing acoustic about 2 weeks ago. But now ive been thinking of going over to electric because it seems more fun and interesting than acoustic. :X So if im lucky i could get an electric at the end of the year or sometime during Q1 2011.

Ive been looking into Ibanez GRG170DX and the Affinity Squier Strats. Both of which i have heard good feedback from. However i am not sure if i should start off with something simpler like the Ibanez RG321MH since a fixed bridge will be much easier to tune and maintain. After all, i have heard a million rants about how hard it is to tune a floating bridge guitar even though my friend said its not as bad as what people say.
For a first guitar, I do think you're better off getting a hard tail. Less things can go wrong, and when you buy cheap, you get really rubbish tremolo systems. It would be a good idea to think about what kind of music you want to play. For heavier/more modern music, a hum bucker in the bridge can be a really important part of getting the sound you want. Maybe listing some bands that you like or some guitarists might help people make better recommendations.

Having said that... A strat is a pretty classic guitar, and you can set it up so the bridge is not floating.
I dont really have any favourite bands to be honest, because my listening is neither here nor there. Same for guitarists, i dont have a favourite one. But I do like Akira Yamaoka, who is the music composer for the Silent Hill video game franchise -
However i do appreciate rock music of all sorts as well as a little bit of metal at times, though cant say im a big fan of it.

As for the guitars, theres no way i can afford a strat any time soon, and my parents wont agree to it. My budget is about $500 for a guitar, amp, and tuner. Which i guess is pretty standard for many people who are just starting electric. Anyway i wouldnt mind learning how to set up a floating bridge guitar even though it may be hard at first. Im the sort who prefers to learn stuff the hard way so everything else will be smooth sailing. :D
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I would advise: <- tuner and amp all in one. Just plug into headphones or a pair of speakers. I honestly feel it will sound better than a cheap amp, AND it's portable. I believe the amp tone is an *integral* part of an electric sound, and this will give you the flexibility to explore and find out what you like best.

On your budget I reckon most guitars would be the same. They will all be made in Indonesia with similar levels of quality control. Check out City Musicm, Swee Lee and Yamaha for sales. Alternatively you can look through the classifieds on SOFT. You may find some good deals, although at that price point you're really only talking about saving a few bucks here and there.

RE a floating bridge, I think a "simpler" guitar is better at the outset because you will spend more time PLAYING and less time fighting with your equipment. It will probably sound better because tremelos are precision crafted mechanisms, and you get what you pay for. I.e. buy cheap and you're not going to stay in tune if you touch it, and you will probably get less sustain (which is already an issue due to the construction and material quality). More fighting, less playing.
ahh crap that webstore is currently under maintaince so i cant see what it is lol.

I may be going down to swee lee tomorrow so i'll see what they have over there.

@fretness I think I'd prefer not to buy 2nd hand guitar for my first electric. I wouldnt want to buy a guitar without trying it out first, especially since im new to this.

Thanks for all the tips, really appreciate it. :)
hey, city music sale is on now also, you can check their starter pack promos. i would recommend their crafter guitars more than anything else though!