Heart breaking question


New member
I accidentally dropped my guitar and now it has a ding, there's no way to repair this, is there?

If all else fail, can I try using an e-poxy on the dented area and repaint it?
actually if its not obvious...
jus live with it..
jus like my psp..i got a dead pixel...
one only..cant change...
You will get use to it ...

My MusicMan has paint crack near the pickups & near the backplate...
relax lah. some boutique guitar shop in brah basah gave my guitar a few dings(headstock, body tip and the binding of fingerboard chip off) and I still live with it.... They never even tell me. But they somehow "camou" it with a type of rubbery thing.. you can ask them. haha. :lol:
Relag. Have a change of mindset. Worn-out look is cool. If yours is a Fender, even better, got the relic feel.


If you can, make more dings, scratches, chips, burn marks... :mrgreen:
The dings mean the guitar has been played, caressed, travelled, lived, played, enjoyed.

No dings means its kept in a cage, silent, unplayed, lost, unloved, a trophy, a dead piece of paper weight.

Chill man~
All those response seems comforting...but my heart sank when I saw the scar...

Chicks dig scars, right? So my guitar = smexy?
Relax. You'll get over it. I was sad when I had a ding on my guitar. Now, I think it's cool to have it. :D