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Hi guys can audiophile recommend me a pair of headphones?, i'm looking for a pair that i can use to pluggin to my guitar amp at night while still is portable and looks alright if i were to bring it out, budget wise around 200, can stretch a little... Oh yea i woulds prefer that the part that cups over the ears to not be too small for comfort sake...

My typical answer is go to Jaben and try :) http://jaben.net/ Adelphi, opposite Funan.

Tell them your budget and what you prefer, they have a wide range and knowledgeable staff who'll let you try whatever you want. Bring your own MP3 player with some guitar tracks to test with.
Yea would be heading down to jaben tmr, but meanwhile im looking for some recommendations atleast this way i wouldnt have to spend a couple of hours there like in the past haha
I would like to say HD600 for flat responses but since your budget is $200, HD280Pro 64ohm then. Slightly bass heavy.
One thing about headphones other than the sound is the fit. Wearing it for long period is very painful if it does not fit well.
I've got a ATH-M50, its a pair of monitoring headphones, pretty decent, looks good. Only thing is that the coily cabled version isn't quite suitable for outside use, if you wanna get one, and use it for outside usage, get the straight cable one.
okay thanks for all the inputs
will take note of the particular models :)
btw by any chance that any of you guys had tried the marshall headphones?
Never seen an isolated headphone that is comfortable for long uses.

Some openback like HD600 / HD650 / HD800 are comfortable but they allow ambient noise in.

Marshall Headphone?? Wahh ha ha haha..remind me of those Made In China Budget Marshall for the lowest end market. I have not try them thou..lol..Although I may get one just for the name MARSHALL!

One thing about headphones other than the sound is the fit. Wearing it for long period is very painful if it does not fit well.
After trying out other stuff like beyerdynamics 770 and some other headsets i really liked the m50 you recommended, and that's what i got really loving it now haha thanks for the recommendation :)
anyway i found out from the staff at jaben they were saying in our region the M50s (straight cables) aren't available
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I think you can go Sim Lim Square, ex: Hung Bros, to find that model. You try Sim Tower as there are quite a number of pro shop.
After trying out other stuff like beyerdynamics 770 and some other headsets i really liked the m50 you recommended, and that's what i got really loving it now haha thanks for the recommendation :)
anyway i found out from the staff at jaben they were saying in our region the M50s (straight cables) aren't available

glad to be of some help :)

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