Excessive noise
14. —(1) Any person
who makes any noise by any instrument or other means in such a manner as to cause or be likely to cause annoyance or inconvenience to the occupier of any premises in the vicinity or to any person lawfully using any public road or in any public place shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000.
(2) Any police officer, on any complaint that any person in any premises or in any public place is making such noise as to cause annoyance or inconvenience to the complainant, may enter upon the premises or proceed to the public place and, after warning the person reasonably suspected of making the noise, stop the making of such noise whether by the removal of any instrument or object or in some other appropriate manner.
Hm.mmm – Great info here.
(1) To cause annoyance/inconvenience to occupier of any Premises within a vicinity or person (it says using any Public Roads or In Public Place) – I think they are referring to – Basking without licenses or holding an Event out in the open without a Licence here….
(2) HDB & especially your own Home are not considered – “A Public Place.” – A public place means anyone can have access to.
Based on above – If it justify that – Then Big Problem. All the below can be confiscated by in our own home by Officers.
Hi-Fi System – can be confiscated by Police Office
Majong & Table can be confiscated
Drums, Guitar, Amps Speakers – all can be confiscated by Police Officer
Karaoke & Mics can be confiscated.
Dogs & Birds can be confiscated (Barking or Singing too loud)
Karaoke Singer, Painists, Guitarists Saxaphonists – anythcan be Fine playing instruments at their own home and all their Instruments confiscated.
Now – anything can be confiscated, even a whistling kettle in your own home (If above stands true) – because it says
“as long as it - cause annoyance or inconvenience to the occupier of any premises in the vicinity” so – your neighbour just next to your home can hear mah …. As long as it deem to cause him “annoyance or inconvenience” which how are you going to define that ? it’s subjective and it’s up to any person. If I don’t like you (I say any little noise you make is annoying and causing inconveniences to me – that’s it you had it”…..cannot be like that one.
How often does police start coming to a HDB home and confiscating instruments – I don’t think so. Then many also knows that “If a Police Officer wants to enter your home without a Warrant – you can stop them from coming in – If they cant come in – How to confiscate your Instruments?”.
But if above applies to HDB Flats – Then any Police Officer can simply comes in to any home – making even a little noise – as long as it is deem to be causing “annoyance or inconvenience to a very very sensitive person or neighbour” isn’t it
Or - - - Maybe Law is made in such a way – one can bend here and there…