hey guys, first post. yup, same old problem as always. drummer + hdb flat + no $ to soundproof room.
so E-drums it is! the rolands seem way to expensive, and my budget is about 1k$ give or take a little bit. (still a student sooooo money is abit of a problem)
searched through the forums and have seen a few relatively still affordable sets. wondering if you guys could give me any advice or reviews(like if they break easily) and choices you will make on these few sets. yup! or if anyone knows of a cheaper/same price but reliable set, feel free to contribute!
medelli 506
Yamaha DTXpress III STD
Traps E450
so far i got these few. and the yamaha DTXpress III seems best,but its quite expensive. even second hand. (listened on youtube etc.) any thoughts? also i would prefer those with mesh-heads/wiring like the Traps E450, but there are hardly any videos on it on youtube, so i do not know if its reliable or not.(sounds good? hardy?) so yea, i desperately need advice! thanks!
so E-drums it is! the rolands seem way to expensive, and my budget is about 1k$ give or take a little bit. (still a student sooooo money is abit of a problem)
searched through the forums and have seen a few relatively still affordable sets. wondering if you guys could give me any advice or reviews(like if they break easily) and choices you will make on these few sets. yup! or if anyone knows of a cheaper/same price but reliable set, feel free to contribute!
medelli 506
Yamaha DTXpress III STD
Traps E450
so far i got these few. and the yamaha DTXpress III seems best,but its quite expensive. even second hand. (listened on youtube etc.) any thoughts? also i would prefer those with mesh-heads/wiring like the Traps E450, but there are hardly any videos on it on youtube, so i do not know if its reliable or not.(sounds good? hardy?) so yea, i desperately need advice! thanks!

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