Haze is bad.

well,the situation seems to have cleared up here in Tampines,no PSI on TV screen either! damn! i was hoping for an alien instrument abduction period or something! but yeah,seems like better days are ahead,back to school all ye exam candidates! :p
KuroKupo said:
Yeah it has dropped...


damn...now I can't laze around at home.

haha Don't laze around~! Get your butt outta that sofa right now and start having fun outside. :p
Haha. I wish for my exams to end soon la. Just pass thursday and i'll be fine. I'm really gonna be the happiest man that day man.
alright. finally the haze let up a bit. last night's 150 was crazy. The scenery outside was really like doomsday with the sky being blotted out. lol.
balloons said:
This haze aint that bad, wait until u all come across Purple Haze.

purple haze all in my mind,yeah it was a great experience...damn..its like *hard-on* kinda thing... :twisted:
Slash04 said:
darn.. Indo burn more wood so we can get a frwakin holiday!

dude..i dun mean to be rude..but..ur talking without thinking..

i'd rather go to skool everyday and have clean air to breathe.

rather den get holidays and have noxious air borne particles juz waiting to enter my lungs..

its time we started caring for our environment.cos wad goes around comes around.wadeva harm we do to the environment,we will suffer ultimately.
I am down with a flu so the haze was... it was just bad timing!
Vecause you know when you have runny nose right, you SNIIIIIF and... the smoke particles got in me.
and my eyes were irritated.
I didn't dare to swallow because it felt like there's dust in my throat.

but my flu is subsiding and so is the haze.
"happy days ahead."
The haze really went away fast. Noticed that the readings are only confined to "PM10" readings, meaning that there might still be a high concentrantion of SO2 and O3 gases in the air, which are toxic and would harm our health.
gosh..the best way to get high..

inhale mercury vapour..

u'll go high..high up to the heavens. :lol:
many hotspots now not so hot. but smoke will remain til bout 3 weeks later when strong winds arrive in indonesia.