Haze is bad.

I think it has to be 200 before schools close. Now it's reduce outdoor vigrous activity stage. 200 than it's strictly no outdoor activity.
who wants to go? Tampines stadium,7 on 7? no need bring gas mask,just urself and boots...then who fall due to breathlessness will kena kropok macam anak anjing
gutturalpiss said:
KissMyAxe said:
We all are gonna die. D Day of reckoning is coming. Forget about guitars, pedals and amps......
War of the Worlds?

hmm i just finished watching it.. cool but lame movie.

this haze is awesome.. makes everything feel like a ghost town and creepy like silent hill or something.

anyway not too bad near newton station.. from what i can se eout my window.
Of all times for a haze. And can anyone recall the haze back in 1997? I was still like 7 then but i still remember that holiday that we got... Haha!
if they give a holiday now, they're going to be delaying half my exams

i'll be like


Lets hope the haze situation gets better in days to come. It feels like looking around without wearing glasses... 8)