Have you heard this nice song before? Any idea on it?


New member
I happen to extract this MIDI from a HTML greeting email few years back.
I like it very much but till now I still not able to find the source or any other info about this song.


Have you heard this song before?
Do you have any idea on the title/composer of this song?

Perhaps any of you know it...

Thanks in advance.
spikes said:
sounds like some final fantasy song...

I have quite a number of FF album (about 47 albums, from FFI~FFXI,FFX2...etc),
but didn't happend to hear this song there lei...

Unless it is in th FF OST albums (FFIII,FFV,FFVI,FFVII,FFVIII,FFIX which I don't have), instead of FF arranged album (orchestra/piano...etc).

Till now...
69 people viewed this message,
13 people downloaded the file.
Still nobody has any idea on this song?
no hope liao...
got a hunch it is some fan done midi tunes from in game sequences in ff7 or ff8 cant exactly be sure but feels that way
Ionized said:
Never heard before. What is its original filename?

11k_.mid is its original filename.

stars said:
got a hunch it is some fan done midi tunes from in game sequences in ff7 or ff8 cant exactly be sure but feels that way

Is it?

I have FFVII Reunion Tracks album, Piano Collections Album, FFVIII Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec album & FFVIII Piano Collections album.

If iti really included in that two games, will go to buy the FFVII & FFVIII OST already...

Thanks dude.
just a hunch bro ..

feels like those in game music sequence u find like when u visit a certain town or something ( ya get my drift ?)
Ionized said:
11k ... looks like the file size. Sorry dude, too few information to help you do a search.

ha... ha...
That's why it takes me few years to look for the info & still not found.
Anyway, thanks for your kind intention.