harry potter!

i guess JK rowling wrote the epilogue for fun.

it looks like a fan fiction

otehr than the epilogue, the book is awesome
"Which was what the epilogue was about. I know a lot of people didn't like it — and epilogues are something that people are generally torn about. They can seem to wrap things up too neatly. But the epilogue seemed very inevitable to me. Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione are brought together as family, which is what JKR wanted. That's Harry's big reward for his heroism: a family. An ordinary life. (Though was anyone able to catch anything about what they all did for a living?) We shall skip over his exceptional cruelty in lumbering his poor kid with the name Albus. (And the other kids are James and Lily, right? Oy.) Of course Draco has named his kid Scorpius, but the Malfoys seem like people with a long history of child abuse. The thing that really disappointed me in the epilogue was not seeing how George was getting along. I had hoped we'd hear he was ok. Anyway, I was glad to see things wrapped up neatly and packed away in a box, because it means one significant thing: No more Harry Potter books. I know it's sad, but how much sadder if the books dragged on and on until they sucked? Better to go out on a high note."

fyi, the book retails for rm69.60 in tesco and carrefour over here in malaysia. is that cheap or what.. too bad i'm not a fan. never understood the movies..