
In my time, I think the minimum was Grade 5. But many of us got Grade 8 in practical and theory - so we can get higher marks. I got Grade 8 in piano and theory and a Grade 3 in trumpet before my 'O' levels. That gave me pretty good marks even before sitting for the MEP exam. One of my friends got a Diploma in violin, Grade 8 in theory and Grade 8 in flute. He had the greatest advantage.

But as I said, these certs mean little nowadays. A problem with Singaporeans is the paper-chase. We should not do it for the exams but for the interest - like what you're doing now.
yeah true true no point not having the interest and go to the exam hall taking ur O leve MEP paper wif a moody face , i mean music is not like science or maths where it does not matter whether u have the interest or not cause they are compulsory subjects but for music , it's not a compulsory subject and one should be grateful to be given the opportunity to study music.it's like a gift u possess which makes u stand out from the mainstream students in ur school....

if i had only fallen in love wif music when i was in primary 4 onwards , i could have easily got into the MEP programme in sec 2 but too bad my love came in sec 3 :cry: