Guys with Long hair

Had long hair (see avatar) That was abt 3 mths ago. Usually tied to a pony tail for more 'presentability'.

Its now 'sacrificed' to conform to the company's so called "image & dress" code which is BS. :mad:
(I'm still smarting)

My ex-boss, who was not a local, didnt bat an eye-lid and was OK with it. I was in a managerial position. Look at Swedens Finance Minister. He sports long hair and meets up with Heads of State etc.

Wished local employers are more open to individuality and accepts a person for what he's worth and not for how he looks.

Ps. Was mistaken for a girl by an SIA stewardess once. Regretfully, wife was with me! *sigh* ;)
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Yupz,Sweden has metal tradition and culture.What has singapore got? bankers/cars salesmen/insurance agents culture.

I think it's more of a western/eastern mentality rather than country specific. Even in US long hair among execs is not a big deal. CEO of Sun Microsystems sports a ponytail. I also met a few ang mohs from other companies I work with who sported ponytails.

Now playing: Radiohead - High & Dry via FoxyTunes
its the norm, neither west nor east - just a misconception..
got other more important things to attend to rather then just picking on hair
k2 u a hairy managress? though work comes first eh, stay 'pretty sia gal' ok.. lolx.. peace

I think it's more of a western/eastern mentality rather than country specific. Even in US long hair among execs is not a big deal. CEO of Sun Microsystems sports a ponytail. I also met a few ang mohs from other companies I work with who sported ponytails.

Yea exactly...

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