Guys with Long hair

i'm from np too, but i've never gotten such reactions from tutors before. at most they just ask when am i going to cut my hair that's all, in a casual way.

i think tutors who pick on you just because you've got long hair, they are being very stereotypical and biased and that's not what tutors are supposed to be.

and i notice that long hair gets alot of attention from people, why? never see long hair before? and also, whenever i walk past the 2hill, i get "stares" from him. it's as though i ripped him off. lol.
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but being stereotypical is really unavoidable u see.

thats why even i feel that going into the working world with long hair is unpractical until ppl learn not to judge the book by its cover. but u have to admit even we ourselves make assumptions just by the way ppl look.

at least we aren't living in the 70s. singapore had that retard rule abt long hair. males with long hair will be served last. if u had long hair in the 70s and u're young ppl will assume u're a pot smoking crackhead. now? ppl either assume u are emo, untidy, or best, a musician! or a girl. hahahha

well, THANK GOD the ah bengs arent leaving their hair long. i'm so thankful for that.
im not either
just put on a serious face and say 'i cant its against my religion' it worked awhile when i was in secondary school.
long hair in school not so bad
I in NS I want my long hair they go and cut away stupid barber go cut my hair botak
last time my hair keep until so nice so long they go cut !! NONSENSE!! lah this ppl
uh... everyone knows that ns must botak what. u cant complain abt that. its been like that since ns was introduced
my lecturer made me cut otherwise i can't sit for a test. yet the seniors have longer hair. guess your grades affects the treatment you get.
I am the opposite of you guys, having hair no longer than 4-5inches.. I get restless when my hair is too long.. :(:(
haha. tp is clearly the place to be. there are so many guys with long hair around..

afros considered long hair? i had it for awhile but got irritated and i went to the barber a got a wierd-ass mullet..
Maybe MOE is jealous with people keeping long hair in , primary, Secondary, ITE , POLY , UNI ETC..

Just my saying.. :D
haha, I'm from TP and started keeping long hair recently, and alot of people cant even recognise me now.
To answer the question of why paul's hair doesn't get chopped off: it's Mass Comm man. None of the lecturers give a shit about how long your hair is. I've got medium-long hair and the only people who complain about it are my friends who say they can't see my eyes.

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