Guitar77 Moving 1st of May 2006

Sell necks at really cheap prices, haha...XD Just a thought...then the shop opposite you guys would be fighting for customers to buy guitar necks...=P
aiyo dear directors... I cant do everything leh... but I will still note down hor...

wait my neck kenna straggle!!! how??

I am exhausted liao...hahaha BUT HEY!! All my dear directors...!
Keep the ideas comming!!!
For Tagima, some Brazilians on Jemsite noted that ONLY the hi end models like the K1 are of exceptional quality... the medium to low end ones are lacking, apparently in quite a bad way.
Why buy Mesa when there's already a store that brought in mesa only be unable to sell it off?

Want this want that... but how many will actually buy it?
doubt a lot of pple will buy Mesa.. more likely just go in and try for like 2 hrs onli.. BYOC kits!! bring them in!! Cheap and gd!!
Too many of the brands mentioned will only be bought by very few people.

How's this for a suggestion:
Most people are afraid to order from overseas on their own.
Guitar77 could offer the service of being the middle person.
Collect a deposit from the person who wants to order a certain item, then order the item which would be shipped to the shop. The person then comes and collects it and pays the balance.

This way you can bring in lots of brands without dealership and without a load of unmovable items in the shop. Of course, you have to let the customers know that you are not a dealer in the transaction, only the middle person.

This could aid the organising of Mass Orders from Ishibashi and things like the tremol-no too.
I stand by blueark's suggestion...this way, I can get the Epiphone LP Junior...which is like, not sold in Singapore and way pisses me off...
Agreed. I see a lot of suggestions for near 5K guitars. If you're willing to put your money on them in the near future, by all means suggest. Otherwise, G77 is just carrying the risk of unsaleable guitars without any buyers.
theblueark said:
Guitar77 could offer the service of being the middle person.


i'd love to see some caparisons in SG too, but i dun think i can afford i didn't make the suggestion....

I'm waiting for Gibson Angus Young pickups to be made availible locally. I mean.. I would love to upgrade my present Epi pups without having to go thru Davis with their overpriced 'normal' gibson pickups or buy online.. because i dun have a debit card.. just a nets card lol.

And well I'm not exactly a fan of dimarzio or seymour duncan.. I prefer Gibsons.. just my own opinion lah.
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