Guitar77 Moving 1st of May 2006

wad about the current limited edition epiphone les pauls from japan, the 1 with the gibson headstocks?

and maybe a bit more advertising for lessons?
Kerr said:
Subversion GOOD IDEA....

Gimme the bomb list..hahahha by PM please kekeke...

thank you, sir, for taking note 8) will get back to you in due time.

... & maybe caparison guitars?



subversion...always like the caparison guitar but they dont export for the time being...

TV TV TV!!!! How ah???

LESSON: Mr PUAL Duss agree to TEACH at Guitar77. We are registering Students soon! Those who wanna learn HARD ROCK Guitar ART...
email us!
Kerr. I was thinking.. for the budget line stuff...
Consider Agile.. Seems to be raved about on other boards..

And they come out with very nice designs as wel..

while many people are stuck on the strat copy thing, These guys do the Jagmaster stuff..

See how it goes with ya! :D
Caprision - interesting. I gues bring it - only if customers are willing to put their money on them already. Each guitar is so expensive it'd incur a big loss for G77 if it weren't moving.
omg the Duesenberg guitars are sweet! especially the rocket. why did you have to put the link here lemoned :lol:
:lol: Cause I'm hoping for a local dealer to bring em in so i can spend my hard earnt $$ on the v-caster or starplayer TV.
yeah its darn cool guitar...nice guitar riff when I go to the website...

you know whats the price range like??